Unexpected Side-effects (Chapter 3)

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 Sagiso POV

Uhh… Okay, it’s a bit silly but I get the problem. Not feeling normal emotions is a cause for concern, but did you really have to repeat man like… Over and over again? I feel as though she’s looking at the wrong team. 

So who’s going to tell her? 

She did all of this for some stupid romantic problems? We are at the age to want to be in a relationship with someone but did she really get so desperate to summon someone to do that work for her? What kind of petty judgment is that? She really is just so self centered, I know she had hurt multiple men for her quest to find the perfect man when clearly it wouldn’t work. 

Why would a hero like me help some villain that wants a fantasy?

“Okay, I get it. Can I ask about your types then? It would help with my advice.” My gaze laid on her hands that shook while the fabric crumpled on its grasp. I reached out to it, laid my hand on top to at least provide some comfort. Her glassy eyes made eye contact with mine, teeth dug on her own lips as it quivered. My eyes widened, the harmful buzz muted. I reached out to her face to wipe out the tears that were a drip away from falling, but she shook off my hand and withdrew when my other hand reached out for her face. 

“Don’t get comfortable, damn it.”

“Sorry, you looked like you were about to cry so…” I clicked my tongue under my breath and pulled away as well. Even if she is such a bitch, I can’t just ignore someone who is about to cry. This mission is childish to me, but she's hurt. I need to get rid of this repulsion towards this girl who damages people for her own needs even if she does have a reason why she does it. After all, I chose to get back here.

We have a mechanism so the hero’s won’t ignore their problems, but it only gives them a reminder in their head. I voluntarily went back into her room to lie about it in the morning. I have to become number one, even if I have to deal with a girl like her. I wanted to sleep on the carpet instead but she just had to grab my wrist and pull me inside.

Unfortunately a single punch of her’s can crush someone’s skull, her strength is something that I can’t forcefully remove. So I just slept in her bed instead. 

“Anyway,” The bitch rolled her eyes, “we can talk about this while I get into my new school uniform.” 

“Huh? School? I thought you were homeschooled.” She’s rich enough to make the teachers come to her house instead, why would she need to wear a uniform for school?

“I fucking used to be, but ever since you were so young and quick to do your job everyone collectively agreed that maybe they should train the young ones with potential. So if a demon lord happened again, they could just exploit teenagers! Fucking pricks, people that were in the hero party was made mandatory that they need to go there.” She rolled her eyes and once again blamed me for something that I wasn’t in control of. Their idea isn’t bad, but she does raise some good points about them being maybe drafted to war. 

“It has the fucking lame ass name of Hero's Education for Lifesaving, Integrity, Order and Security; Or Helios for short. Speaking of heroes…” She hopped off the bed and stepped over to her closet, cheeks red as once again she slammed it open. I wonder how much damage she does on the daily, she doesn’t even have a limiter for her strength.

“I never got your name. We just all call you Feathers of Salvere, but I know that is just your hero title.” She took out a blue blazer that seemed like a crop top, a singular golden button with a insignia of a sun on it connected the two sides. Underneath it was a maroon skirt with little to no unique designs at all.

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