It is just how it is. (Chapter 49)

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Kaneko POV

My back got swallowed by the marshmallow of a bed that I had. My arm covered my eyes and the red in my face increased.

Fucking hell it was embarrassing.

"What about me sleeping on the couch?"

"The couch is for sitting! It's not comfortable for sleeping! And besides, you might get cloth scars, they take so long to go back to normal..." My arm moved on top of me and I peeked at her.

An unfocused yellow dazed gaze along with such pale skin, such a beauty shouldn't ruin her face.

Marie is fragile too, it would take long to heal...

"I see..."

"Or do you just not trust me enough to sleep with me? I-I swear I won't hurt you, I don't move much when I'm sleeping!" I shot up and whipped my head from side to side.

Shit, I didn't think about her feelings at all! I'm so stupid, impulsive as shit!

She's so fragile and tiny, while I'm tall and tough. Of course she wouldn't want to get near me!

Yet when I opened my eyes, she had already sat on the bed. The foam barely moved from how light she had been, I didn't even feel her.

"No, I trust you."



Yurie and Jie distrust me to a degree, but this girl she...

"Why do you look confused?" Her blank gaze stared at my face, not particularly my eyes, yet I still got hit by a sense of shivering observation.

"I don't get it."

"If Sagiso trusts you enough to tell you about me, someone who she treasures more than anything, she is willing to show her weakness. She barely opens up to people and is strictly polite, so that feat says a lot."

Sagiso treasures her more than anything... Haah, if the person in question is saying that, it is extremely prideful. But the way she states it...

As always, it was the truth she spoke.

She doesn't care about how others see her.

"And you have also shown that you are trustworthy. You take care of me even if you really don't have a reason to, and you even go out of your way to make me as comfortable as possible."

Her words and small smile was enough to completely heat my face up.

I'm hoping to the fairies her bad eyesight won't be able to see what melty mess I am right now...

I mean, she was only stating the obvious but to say that without any hesitation is just... So embarrassing to me!

Is this what people feel when I blurt things out...?

But I usually say things out of anger, she just says it without any trigger.

"However there might be a side of you who only does this for Sagiso."


Fucking hell, that was out of the blue!

"Th-the fuck was that for?!"

"An observation."

I narrowed my eyes and folded my hands, a huff escaped my mouth.

"We were having a moment!"

"You were. I was just explaining."

"Killjoy." I grumbled and her eyes once again barely focused on my face.

ShokanTeiru: Why me for her bittersweet summoning? (GL Yuri Isekai Story)Where stories live. Discover now