Chapter 26 - Unexpected

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Since Dad is on a business travel, Xiumin, Kai, Chanyeol, Chen, Luhan and I need to stay at the palace. We can't even go out to have fun.

Xiumin, Kai and Chen wandered together at the palace. I simply followed them because I'm too bored and i don't know what to do. They seem so bored too.

"Hey bro, did you saw this thing here, before?", Xiumin asked pointing to something.

"Maybe dad used that before and stocked it here.", Chen answered facing the thing.

"Seriously? Stocked it here in our room? ", Kai said crossing his arms.

I got curious on what they are talking about, so I come to see it. Before i got near to them, Kyungsoo called me.

"Tao!", D.o called me as i stopped walking going to Kai's room.

"What are you doing here?", I asked. They supposed to stay at their house with Mom.

"Kai said that Dad isn't here so he invited us to come.", D.O said smiling.

"Wait... US? You mean...", i stopped.

"Yes. We are all here .", D.o said nodding.

"Hey bro! Meuseunilliya?", D.o said approaching to Kai. (What's up?)

"What are you doing there?", D.o asked them as we come over.

"Well, that wardrobe thing is so mysterious.", Kai said pointing.


I gasped as I saw the wardrobe.

"Th-that was the wardrobe I'd seen before! Tao and I saw that on the hotel room we'd checked in.", I said tensed.

I got shocked. How it could be? How can be THAT wardrobe placed here? It's so strange.

Xiumin, Chen, Kai including Tao are raising an eyebrow staring at me seriously.

"And so? Why you react like that?", Chen asked.

"It's so strange! Right Tao?", i said with nervous. A moment of silence is on the atmosphere.

"Hahaha!!!", Chen, Xiumin, Tao and Kai laughed together while holding their stomach.

"Why are you guys laughing?", I asked them.

"You're over reacting bro!", Chen said continue laughing at me.

"That's only a wardrobe!", Xiumin said.

"It's not just a wardrobe!", I said with hand gestures and widened eyes.

"Hey what's happening here?", Kris asked coldly with his hands on his jeans' pockets. My eleven brothers are already here.

"I'll show you!!", I said strongly.

I went near the wardrobe. I opened it slowly. The boys got curious on it.

"What's in there?", Suho oppa asked as he takes a look.

All of us had a disappointing look as we look inside the wardrobe. The wardrobe has a lot of webs inside it. It was just nothing.

"See, it's just only a wardrobe.", Xiumin said heading to the door and my brothers go and followed him.

"Yeah right.", Chen agreed to Xiumin.

I followed them sadly.


Before we all get out of the room, some tiny sparkling things come out of our way.

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