Chapter 6 - The Queen's Secret

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QUEEN EUN SHIN'S POV (nollan wangguk's queen)

I feel bad these past few days and I don't know why. I knew that I'm healthy enough. I should have a check-up on my doctor as soon as possible to be sure.

The morning came, I decided to go to my doctor today but I didn't tell to my husband and daughters. I just said to them that I'll having a meeting with someone so that they will not worry about me.


I'm going to Starbucks today with Taeyeon, Hyoyeon and Sooyoung. I asked eomma if we can have a ride with her but she answered no, she said her meeting to someone is important.

"So girls, who wants to go to the counter and go have an order?", i asked them but no one responded so I stand up to have an order. "Ok fine! I'll go.", i said.

"Thanks Fany!", Sooyoung said.

I go to the counter #1 to order. In the right side of the counter is counter #2 and there is a boy that is familiar with me and I'm trying to recall in my mind who is he.

While waiting the orders, the boy stares at me.

"You're Tiffany right?", he asked.

When I heard his voice I already remembered him. He is Suho, the one I bumped last week.

"Ugh Yeh! And you are Suho. Am I right?", I said smiling.

"You got it! Yes I am. Good to know you remember me!" he said then he chuckle.

"Of course! Nice meeting you again.", I said and we shake hands.

While talking to him, I noticed Sooyoung stand up and go to the rest room so Taeyeon and Hyoyeon left on the table waiting.

"Are you with someone?", he asked

"Ne! There are my sisters. How about you?", i said then point to the table where my sisters are.

"I'm with my brother. Can we take seats with you?", he asked me.

"Of course.", i answered.

"Here are your orders your highness.", the cashier said and gave me the tray with coffee and snacks then I handed her a ₩5000 for payment.

Suho, Kai his brother and I go to our table together.

"Girls, I want you to meet Suho and Kai. They are brothers.", I said after we all sitted.

"Nice to meet you both. But Suho you're familiar to me huh.", Taeyeon said.

"Ne unnie, he's the one we met last week on the Big Mall remember?", i said to Taeyeon.

"Oh yes!", Taeyeon said.


That boy is the one of the winner of the dance competition in the Big Mall last week but I don't know his name. We didn't had time to introduce ourselves.

"This is Sooyoung.", Fany said and point Sooyoung.

"Hi!", Sooyoung said then smiled.

"This is Taeyeon.", Tiffany said while pointing to Taengoo.

"And this is-", Fany stopped when somone says my name.


I'm sure that girl is Hyoyeon. The girl I met last week. Did she remember me? I will never forget the name of a pretty and talented girl like her.

"Hyoyeon. She's Hyoyeon right?", I said after I cut off Tiffany's introduction.

"Ugh... Yes.", Fany said.

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