Chapter 9 - Picnic time!

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We're going to a picnic today with the whole family. That was our plan before eomma leave us. I'm going to the market with a butler to buy the things and foods we need later.

When I'm busy choosing the foods we will eat, i accidentally bump someone. I simply say sorry to him and I continue what I'm doing.


Mom told us to go to the supermarket to buy some foods for lunch. I'm with Do Kyung Soo also known as D.O,  our master chef. He's good in cooking even though he's a prince.

While I'm walking backwards, I notice that I bumped a pretty lady.

"Ugh.. I'm sorry.", she said after she glanced at me.

Ugh... She's truly pretty. I'm strucked with her angelic face, fragrant hair and cute eyes.

When she is going far from me,  I remember that I forgot to say sorry to her. I should say sorry to her because its my fault, I'm walking backwards so I didn't notice someone is there.

I walk fast towards her, so that I can talk to her.

"Ummm. Excuse me miss, I just wanna say sorry for what I did recently.", I apologized.

"Oh, never mind about it. I'm fine.", She glance again and smiled at me.

Damn! She's really cute! I wonder if I could get her phone number or I should invite her for a lunch.

When I attempted to approach her again, someone called my name. "Kris!!!", D.O called me. "Let's go! We'll gonna pay these!", he added.

Well, I have no choice, but to come to him. When I glance at the direction where the pretty lady is standing, I didn't see her there,  she's gone. I wish we'll see each other again next time .


We spend the whole day to have fun there.Taeyeon, eomma and I, go where the horses are.

"Let's have an adventure! Let's ride on the horses.", I suggested.

"I think that's a good idea.", Taeyeon agreed.

We ride on the horses. I pick the blue haired horse. Taeyeon choose the purple haired horse. Eomma choose the gray horse.


When we're done, we decided to go back for lunch. When we're walking back,  I saw two  handsome boys walking around and one of them is familiar to me. When they were closer to us,  I noticed that it is Suho, our friend.

"Hey", he said happily.

"Hello", I replied as I smile.

"Ehem. Who are they?", eomma questionably asked.

I introduced them to eomma one by one. They are Suho and Lay. They we're brothers. I also introduced eomma to them.

"Come and have a lunch with us.", eomma invited them.

"Sure! It's our pleasure.", Lay said respectfully.

While walking,  I noticed that Suho is happy and excited. Hmm.. On what reason?

"Come on! Let's go now! I missed and I wanna see Tiffa-", Suho stopped and covered his mouth. "Oops...", he said

We stopped from walking and looked at Suho.

"Hmm... I think someone likes my Fany.", Eomma said teasing and smiling.

We continue walking until we go back to the place where Appa and the girls are.


I admit that I'm really excited to see Tiffany this time. I can't hide my happiness.

When we are walking towards their picnic place, I run towards Tiffany, I mean towards them to greet and say Hi!

"Woah! Annyeonghaseyo Tiffany!", I said smiling when I'm in front of her. She just send me a sweet closed smile. Goodness! She's really cute, I want to pinch her cute cheeks. I noticed Lay rolled his eyes to me and just started to talk and mingle to the other girls. I just snob him.

"So, how are you?", I said not taking off the smile on my face. "You stays pretty as longer huh.", I added as I come closer.

"Yeuk! Guys, what are you doing? Please just stop that! It didn't look good on you both.", I heard Hyoyeon said looking at us. So I step back and Tiffany's eomma called us for lunch. I sit beside Tiffany of course, and Lay on the other side.


He's really cute when smiling. His eyes, nose, lips, body, he's perfect for me. He makes me laugh and smile. I think I like him. Omo! I think I'm blushing, he sits beside me. Aigoo! My heart beats fast, colors and promises, how can be brave? Wait... I think my mind is singing.

First, I should focus on eomma. I wanna make her happy on her remaining days.

All of us eat happily. Talking about random topics and having fun.


It's already afternoon, its time to go back to the palace. We need to say goodbye to our oppa, Suho and Lay.

"Ehem... Uhmm... Fany, see you next time?", when i was about to enter the car, I heard Suho oppa said to Tiffany unnie, so I go back to see them.

"Hmm... See you tomorrow maybe.", Fany smiled

Eomma stood beside me and we watched Suho and Fany talking to each other. We were smiling to them. I found them sweet. I want them both.

"Ugh... Guys,  please stop, I think you both are getting corny this time!", Hyoyeon said as he pass by.

"Haha! Hyoyeon unnie, why are you so bitter?", I said laughing.

"Maybe she is just jealous.", Eomma said teasing Hyoyeon.

"Of course I'm not!", Hyoyeon denied and she ride inside the car. Suho and Tiffany chuckles.

We separate ways, they go back to their house and we go back to the palace. Suho oppa said that they were living with their mom.

The day ended happily. We were all happy for what happened. I wish there was more happy moments for memories.



Annyeonghaseyo readers! Sorry for waiting so long. I made this chapter longer and better.

Please continue supporting and spreading this story, I'll continue updating :)

I wanna say KAMSAHAEYO to all who reads, votes and supports this story,  I appreciate you all!

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~♡SeoLynn♡~ (^-^) 서림

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