Chapter 32 - Broken...

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I get myself a shopping to release some stress.

I bought myself a dress and a sweater from my favorite shop, I go outside immediately to go somewhere else.

The guy that keeps on starting at me a while ago is there outside, he seems familiar but I can't recognize because she keep on covering his face.

I decided to play with him,  I tried to lose him so I keep on walking and wandering around.

After that I go to a nail salon to do my nail art.

I chose to have cartoon art for my nails, it look so cute, but suddenly a manly guy showed up and wanted to do HIS NAIL ART!  jinjja?!!

He's the one who keeps on following me a while ago!

I really don't remember where the last time I saw him, but I'm sure that I knew him before.

Such a stalker!

Omo!!!  This is going scary right now!!

Is he will going to kill me soon?!?!

Is he will going to stab me in a narrow and quiet place!?!

Or should I confront him? Since I have a tough self defense skills!

I quickly run outside the store and find the way out and go to the parking lot to leave as soon as possible.

He's quite fast.

He's able to follow me at this rate!

OK it's time!

Be brave Hyo!

I waited for a good timing to do it.

"WHOAAH!" he gasped as he sees me.

"Oh! You're here?"he asked smirking

"So you're really following me huh?!
Are you a stalker? Are you planning to kill me soon?" i said keep closer to him and positioning myself.

"Anio, it's not Iik-" before he finished speaking, I already showed to him my very very very tough self-defense skills!

I tried to break her right arm but not that hard because it may have severe effects and I'm frightened to be punished.

"Ahh! Ugh!!" He keeps growling in pain

"You didn't expect to be beaten up by a girl don't you?", i said to her trying to hide my fear.

"Aish! Why did you do that?! Don't you knew who am I?!" He said annoyed.

"Ha ha ha! I should ask that to you!  DO-YOU-KNOW-ME?" i said emphasizing the words.

What's up to this guy?

"I should introduce myself properly. Kai-imnida. K.A.I." he said as he spells his name and tries to get up slowly.

He offers his hand and waits for my turn.

Tsss... I even don't care about his name.

"Ok then! Hyoyeon-eyo", i said cheaply.

I shook his hand hardly that made him act in pain again.

"You should go home and have a rest" i suggested him.

"Annyeong!" I said leaving him behind and immediately get into my car and start the engine.

"Jamkammanyo!!!" He yells

"WAIT!!!" he shouted blocking my car's way out.

"Aish! What the hell you want?!" I shouted back at him not getting out of my car.

"O..A..O.." he just mouthed,i didn't hear anything he said.

"Mwo!?" I yelled

"Do you have plan on leaving me alone?" I asked annoyed because he still blocks my way.

"Anio" he mouthed as he smirk again

I finally ended up getting out of my car.

"How do i supposed to go home?  I can't even drive with a broken arm" he said showing me up his broken arm while smiling.

How he managed to smile in that situation, did he wanted his other arm to be broken too?

"Ok ok. Fine! Let's go to a clinic to treat YOUR ARM!" I said heading to my car as i rolled my eyes.

"What are you waiting?  Get in! " i said because he's still there standing outside.

He finally walks but still, he keeps standing outside the car's door.

"What are you waiting fooor~?" Omo what's this, i shouldn't be singing (XD)

"you broke my arm, i can't use it to open the door. " he reasoned out still smiling.

"You have your left arm,  that's the purpose I don't broke it, it's for you to use", i said rolling my eyes on him.

"I prefer to use my right arm whenever i do anything, but now it's broken  BECAUSE OF YOU", he said emphasizing the words but still smiling.

"Aish! Here you go YOUR HIGHNESS! "  i said very annoyed  now and keep rolling my eyes on him.

"Gomabsumnida", he said smiling

I continue to drive until we reach the nearest clinic.

"The x-ray of your arm seems serious,  how did this happen?" The doctor asked

He just keeps on smiling and staring at me. The doctor waits for an answer from me.

"Uhm.... H-he just.. J-just bumbed his arm on a thick steel", i just said stuttered.

"Jinjjayo? It seems serious!" The doctor was shocked

"A-ah.. Hehe.. Y-yea~ h-he just bumped it v-very hard. That's why.", i reasoned out trying to be safe.

I saw Kai keeps chuckling on the corner.

So he makes fun of me huh?

"Here's the medicines he need for fast recovery. Please take care of him" the doctor adviced.

Omo! Don't say that  be a caregiver for him!? Tsss.. That guy keeps on smiling and smirking like she wanted what happened today.

"Annyeong! Jalgayo!" I said leaving him again behind.

Here he go again ....

I get out of my car immediately.

"I can't drive, i have this bandage on my right arm, i can't drive with my left arm, the doctor say is you should take ca-" he stopped as i speak

"Ok ok. FINE!!!!" get in your highness!!!" I already narrowed my eyebrows while opening the car's door.

Tsss!!! I just can't believe he can be happy what just happened to him.


I think this is the best day ever!


Another update :)


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