Chapter 11 - Hang up, Have fun

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KING LEE MAN (Nollan Wangguk's king)

Since the girls love gadgets,I told them to put their attention on it, or on something they want like dancing and singing,  so that they don't remember about their eomma because it makes them sad and weep again. I don't want the girls to be sad. I will do anything to make them happy.

"Girls, I see that you're happy now huh. Is there someone or anything that makes you happy?", I asked them because I saw them happy and inspired.

"If you have suitors or boyfriends, don't be afraid to open up with me, it's ok.", I added as I smiled.

"Appa, we don't ha-", Tiffany stopped as Seohyun said something, and Seohyun's voice is louder than her so Seo caughts my attention.

"Appa, Tiffany unnie has a handsome suitor", Seohyun said smiling while she sat down beside Tiffany.

"Haha! Hmm... It's ok girls, It's your choice, you're on the right age.", I advised. We all chuckled in happiness.

From now on,  I will allow them to do whatever they want just to make them happy. I knew that they are responsible in their tasks and responsibilities in Nollan Wangguk especially in the palace as princesses.


Lay, Baekhyun and I decided to hang out with the girls or known as princesses. I send a message to Kai if he can escape the palace to come with us.

I'm so excited to see them again, especially my Tiffany. Of course she's mine!

We prepare everything so that our day will be full of fun.


I received a text message from Suho. He asked if I can come to hang out with them and the girls, but I remembered that I have to learn new dance steps today.

I type to reply. I'm sorry I can't come because... I remember Hyoyeon, I could see her again if I come to hang out with them "backspace". Sure! Meet me at the bus stop. i replied and sent.

A chance to see Hyoyeon again, I'm so glad.


Lay, Suho, Kai and Baekhyun, our friends visited and invited us to hang out with them.

It's our chance to relax and have fun with friends.


I'm the most addict in SNS (Social Networking Sites) inside the palace. I have accounts on all popular SNS I knew.

I also have a close friend on my one account, and he wants to meet up with me.

His name is Mi Yeon, he sent me a private message, i opened it.

I'mYummy: So, are you free this afternoon?

YepeudaKim: uhmm... yes I'm free later

I'mYummy: Ok! Around 5-6pm later?

YepeudaKim: Ok! Meet me at the Starbucks.

I'mYummy: Got it

For the first time, I'll see him because his display picture is an anime. Also, it's his first time to see me, my display pic is a cute dog. I love dogs.

Since we're friends for a long time, I decided to meet up with him later. I admit that i like him, he's kind, respectful and handsome when talking to me.

Oops... I remembered that we will hang up with Lay, Kai, Baekhyun and Suho later. Hmmm... Never mind, I can catch up with him for sure.


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