Chapter 22 - Truth or Dare

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"I'll spin the bottle!", Lay said and he spinned the bottle and it landed on me.

"Truth or dare?", Lay asked.

"Uhmm............ Truth.", I answered.

"Ok! Wh-", Lay was interrupted by Baekhyun.

"Wait!", Baekhyun smirks.

"I'm gonna ask him.", Baekhyun said. Lay just nodded.

"Ehem.", baekhyun clears throat. "Are YOU a REAL man? You know, because you really looks like a girl", Baekhyun asked Me while holding his laugh

Yoona and Seohyun smiles, Then other boys and girls chuckles. That made me offended.

"Oh! I changed my mind. I'll take the Dare.", I said.

"Ok!", Baekhyun smirks again.

Ehrrr... What was his plan?

"Go to find a gown and wear it until the game ends.", Baekhyun commanded.

"But It's un-", I stopped

"You took the dare. Just do it", Chen said excitedly.

Wait for my revenge Baekhyun Byun!!!

"Ooooooohhhhhhhh........ WOW!", the boys said and the girls giggled.

Jessica left the room for a while. Where would I get a gown?! What the!!!

"Here's the gown!", Tao and D.O presented.


"Where did you get that?", I ask shocked.

"In the wardrobe inside the kitchen.", Tao answered and gave the gown to me.

Baekhyun stood up and pushed me inside the room. I have no choice now.

I put off my clothes and wear the pink shinning gown. What the!! It fits on me!

"Hurry up Lulu!", I heard Baekhyun yelled and laughs.

A while ago, someone opened the door. It's Baekhyun with his eyes widened and then he laughs so hard.

Eeehhhrrr..... Mr. Byun! Wait for my revenge!

"Presenting...", Baekhyun said while holding my hands behind the door while he's in front covering me.

"Drum rolls please.", Suho said chuckling. The boys made fake drum rolls.

"Princess Lulu!", Baekhyun presented and pull me from behind so that all of them will be able to see me.

I really hate this. My face is blushing because of shyness. Worse is, the girls are still here.

"Please cutie princess,  sit beside me.", Yoona said with puppy-eye-like, at the same time she's teasing me. All of them laughs as I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms.

Then, Baekhyun pushed me towards Yoona, that made me sit beside her in a harsh way.

"Ok enough. I'll spin the next bottle.", Xiumin said and he spinned the bottle which landed on Seohyun. Seohyun gasped.

"Ok, Seobaby Truth or dare?", Jessica asked.


Ok, this is a new trivia. Do you know I'm brave? Yes, I am! So that I'm taking the dare.

"Dare unnie.", I answered. I wonder what's that dare. Exciting!

"My dare is so easy. You can do this.", Jessica said.

Suddenly,  Jessica stood up and go to the kitchen. I don't know why, Strange...

After a while,  she came back with something on her hand which is at her back, covering the "something"

"Seobaby! Take this.", Jessica offered while giving me the burger.

"What will I do to this thing huh?", I asked as I handed the burger she gave.

"Take a bite. That's a dare.", she smiled.

"No! I won't and I'll never unnie.", I said shaking my head.

"Go, just do it. Luhan did his dare", Baekhyun said looking at Luhan, still with a narrowed eyes because of what he's wearing.

"Do it Seobabe! Do it! Aja!", Jessica said cheering cheerfully.


Jessica is so gorgeous. Her face, her hair, her eyes, her nose, her lips, it's so perfect. Even her body. Why I'm thinking on these things?! Babo!

I just remember when I first saw her at the grocery. I didn't know that she's one of the princesses.

Her voice is so mild and nice to listen.

"Oh gosh! Why did I choose dare?", Seohyun asked herself.

Seohyun slowly took a little bite of the burger and her face, I can't explain how she react.

"Yeahy!!!", All of them hollered as Seohyun chews the burger.



Sorry for a short update. Thanks to all who supports and reads this story. I appreciate a it lot.





The next chapter will be on 2015 yeahy!

I will make the next chapter longer :)

Happy new year!
saehae bog manh-i bad-euseyo

Copyright © 2014

~♡SeoLynn♡~ (^-^)

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