Chapter 2 - After 15 years in Nollan Wangguk

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  • Dedicated to Bernadeth Mae Manicap Asuzano

Many years came, the king and queen of both kingdom are still the same. They declaired that they were enemies, forever. Just the same, until now they don't really want each other so they also didn't have communications from the last years until now.

In Nollan Wangguk...

Their daughters didn't know about that terrible dinner they had with the Hyonjeohan Wangguk, both the king and queen of Nollan Wangguk choose not to tell to their daughters what happened years ago.


I'm so blessed and happy that i have 9 perfect princesses.

Taeyeon is now 26 years old. Sunny is 24. Jessica and Tiffany are 23. Hyoyeon is 22. Sooyoung is 21. Yoona, Yuri and Seohyun are 20.

"Girls! Line up please."? i said because i will introduce them into our visitors. "Girls, they are your aunts and uncles who had been here last 12 years when you was just little, greet them with respect."

"Good morning!", they said and bowed after.

I'm so lucky with this girls.


Eomma will introduce us again to them. We fixed ourselves to be presentable. We lined up according to our ages.

Oops... Where's Jessica? Eomma (eomma-mom) will start introduce us in few minutes. She supposed to be here now.

"Taeyeon, the eldest.", eomma said.

"Annyeonghaseyo", i said then bowed to them. After me they proceed to Sunny.

"Sunny, the second eldest.", eomma said happily. Sunny just simply bowed and smiled to them.

"And the twi-", eomma stopped cause she didn't saw Jessica in the line.

"Where's Sica?", eomma wispered while searching Jessica around.

"I'm here!", Jessica yelled while coming. "I'm so sorry I'm late."

Oh! thank you she's here now.

"Ok! The twins, Jessica and Tiffany.", eomma said.

"Hello!", they both said then bowed as respect.

"This is Hyoyeon.", eomma introduced Hyoyeon.

"And Sooyoung", eomma said.

"Hi dear.", Aunt Mi Joo said to Sooyoung

"Hello", Sooyoung said

"And the cute triplets, Yoona, Yuri and Seohyun", eomma said excitingly

Too big to be called triplets.

"Eomma we're not kids to be called triplets, we're ladies now", Seohyun said.

"Ne, Seohyun is right eomma!", Yoona agreed.

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