Chapter 16 - Noooooo!!

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KING LEE MAN'S POV (king of Nollan Wangguk)

I remembered that my sister will arrive here later.


I knew that I can't take care of my daughters everyday because of my busy schedule. I can't teach them how to be more responsible princesses and I can't discipline them either because sometimes they didn't listen to me, especially now, 'cause their eomma was gone. I decided to call for a help.

"Hello! Seok Mi Joo", I greeted my sister in the other line. She is in America right now and I asked her to come here to help me. This is  for the sake of my daughters. She had been here for the past months to inform us that they'll be moving to America but I'm here calling her to come back.

We continued to talk regarding to my plans. She hangs up and she agreed on my offer to her.

I'm glad that she agreed. She will be the one who will take care of my daughters.


I called the girls to inform them.

"Girls, line up please!", I yelled then they lined up according to their ages, as always. Taeyeon, Sunny, Tiffany, Jessica, Hyoyeon, Sooyoung, Yuri, Yoona and Seohyun. After a minute, they're already lined up.

"Ok I have to announce something important.", I started.

"What is it appa?", Yoona asked.

"I decided to call for a help from your aunt because I do know that I didn't have much time to discipline you all. You need to be responsible princesses.", I sighed before I started to speak. They just listened


Omo! AUNT? Who is that aunt? I hope it couldn't be Aunt Mi Joo. She has a good attitude, also a role model for us but sometimes she's so mean, very mean. She hides her real attitude in front of my Appa, she's so nice and polite when she was talking to Appa but when she was talking to us, she's not respectful. That made Appa trust to her.

"She will be here in a few minutes.", Appa said happily. Our faces was worried and minding who is that aunt.

"Aunt? Whose Aunt?", Taeyeon asked.

"Your Aunt Mi Joo! She will be your guardian since I'm leaving for an international transaction. But don't worry girls it will be fine.", Appa comforted us.

"WHAT?! NOOOOOO!!!", We all reacted, we're shocked. Appa didn't inform us about this. The thing is, he didn't try to know our opinions about that.

"Girls, stop! GIRLS!", Appa shouted. We all zipped our mouths.

"Appa, it couldn't be...", Hyoyeon said worrying.

"We have many aunts right? It could be Aunt Yoon Ji or Aunt Hwang Cha.", Seohyun suggested and tried to change Appa's mind.

"Ye! Just please Appa, don't pick Aunt Mi Joo as our temporary guardian", Tiffany begged in a pitiful way.

"Ehem. Your highness, Miss Seok Mi Joo is here.", the maid interrupted us.

"My beloved Brother!", Aunt Mi-Joo greeted Appa happily with her arms spreading widely as a sign for a hug while walking towards Appa. She hugged appa happily.

"Hello sister! Good thing you are back!", Appa said.

She wears formal gown and she looks presentable enough but that doesn't change our impression to her. Of course we also wears formal gowns to be look presentable and to welcome her. Our faces remains expressionless.

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