Chapter 17 - Wrong Thoughts

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I didn't expect that Shin Hye was here. How did she know my girl? I mean Tiffany?

"Suho?! Is that you?", Shin Hye asked with her eyes widened.

"Yes it's me! It's great to see you again.", I replied smiling.

"Okay? Uhmm... awkward.", Tiffany interrupted us. She's so cute. She's the cutest of the cutest.

"So, do you both know each other?", Tiffany asked while pointing to us.

"Uhmm. Actually yes.", Suho said.

"Yah, he's my ex-crush but he's my best friend now, since we're schoolmates.", Shin Hye explained.

So that's the reason why she was shocked recently. I thought there was a bad reason.

"Oh... Are you sure you don't have remaining feelings for him?", Tiffany said raising an eyebrow.

"Jealous?", I asked in a low voice and I saw Tiffany looked at me narrowing her eyes.

"Oh of course none! I already have my namjachingu.", Shin Hye said blushing. (Namjachingu-boyfriend)

"Oh that's cool! Who is he?", Tiffany asked smiling.

"He's Yonghwa. He's my boyfriend since the last month until now.", Shin Hye told.

Shin Hye stared at the flowers I'm holding then she smiled, I don't know why.

"Nice!", Shin Hye said tapping my shoulders.

"You're so lucky with your girlfriend!", Shin Hye said and I chuckled.

"You and tiffany were a great couple!", Shin Hye said holding our hands together.

"Oh no! You're wrong. He's not my boyfriend!", Tiffany denied.

"Yah you're wrong Shin. She's not my girlfriend, but my future girlfriend.", I said smirking and whispering the last part but I think they heard it.

"Uhmm... Fany, flowers for you. Hope you like it.", I gave the bunch of pink and red flowers to her.

She accepted the flowers with an eye-smile and a wide smile on her face.

"Uhmm... Suho where is Baekhyun? why didn't he come with you?", Taeyeon asked me.

"Excuse me Princess Taeyeon you hav-", the maid cut off by Taeyeon.

"Have what? Do I also have a visitor?", Taeyeon excitedly asked.

"I'm sorry Princess but you only have a package.", The maid apologized then Taeyeon looked disappointed.


I thought I also have a visitor and it could be Baekhyun... But I'm wrong. I felt disappointed about it. That is because I expect too much.

"Here is your package your highness.", the maid said and she gave me the blue box.

I wonder who sent this to me. I open the lid, and it has three edible chocolate roses which were colored sky blue, lavender and purple. I saw an envelope inside the box and I think it's a letter. I started to read the letter.

Dear Kimchi,
I hope you like the chocolates. I'm sorry I can't visit you today because we have a basketball game. Hope you appreciate this simple gift.
I gave three rose because it means...
Wo ai ni.
Te amo.
I love you.

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