Halloween Special - 2

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Finally! There's Taeyeon walking alone. Aha! I have an idea!

I hide behind the thick walls where Taeyeon is walking through.

"Huh. It's colder here.", Taeyeon whispered while rubbing her hands.


I need to turn right because the comfort room is there. Suddenly, while walking I heard squeaks on the left side. I walk slowly towards the walls to see if something is there.

"Huh...", I sigh in relief. There's nothing there.

When I turn my back...

"Waaaaahhhh!!!!!!", I screamed. I saw a big man but I think he's the janitor but he looks scary.

"Why are you here?", he asked. So creepy. He smells bad, I mean worst.

"Uhmm... ugh... I just wanna go to the co-omfort ro-om.", I stuttered in nervous. Then I continue walking to the comfort room on the right side.

It's so quiet here. I'm getting nervous again. I think someone is following me.

I turn my back again but it was nothing there.

I continue walking...

"Aaaahhhhh!!!! Please don't kill me, I'm leaving now, I'm leaving. I'm begging you please. ", I screamed again. He covered my eyes with his hands and I can't escape. I knew it's the janitor with creepy eyes recently. He just followed me and he wanted to kill me!

"I won't kill you. I just need one thing from you.", he said in a creepy voice.

"Wha-at's tha-at", I stuttered.

"I just want a kiss from you. Say yes before I let you go.", he said in a normal voice.

"WHAT?!?!?! A kiss? Why would I gi- Wait!", I stopped.

I knew this voice! It's familiar And I'm sure of it.

"BAEKHYUN!!!!!", I said in an angry voice then he lets me go.

"You're so bad! You scared me so much!", I yelled.

"Haha! You're so cute when angry!", Baekhyun said smiling at me.

"Don't change the topic!", I said

"Should I receive a kiss?", He asked smirking.


"No you would never! You scared me so much and now you want a kiss?", Taeyeon yelled at me again.

Why would she so selfish. It's just a kiss haha!

"Ok I will just leave you here. Oh! Maybe the janitor will return later... See you!", I scared her again. Don't think this is a black mail because it's not.

"Are you trying to black mail me?", she asked crossing her arms.

"Omo! I think  Someone's coming from the dark hallway there. Look!", I said even though it's just a mannequin but it looks scary.

"Waaah!!! ", She screamed and she come closer to me and pinched my arms. "Where?", she asked .

"Look at there.", I pointed to the other side and I stole her a kiss on her cheek.

"Eghrr... you're so mean!", she shouted and I ran fast then she followed me trying to catch up.

"You'll gonna pay if I'll catch you!", she yelled at me still running after me.

"If you will", I teased her.


"Hey Suho! Good thing you're here. Where are your brothers?", Tiffany greeted me.

"Hi there pink witch. They're just around.", I said.

"Hello! Are you Tiffany? Give back Suho's heart!", Xiumin said quickly from behind and I didn't notice that he had just followed me.

"Huh? What?", Tiffany asked.

"Suho said you had stolen his heart! So now give it back", Xiumin yelled.

"Huh? How would I do that?", Fany said chuckling.

"Maybe you're a murderer", Xiumin spoke again.

"Haha no I'm not, of course", Tiffany answered.

"Hahaha! I'm just joking. But Suho was head over heels in love with you.", Xiumin said whispering the last part.

"Xiumin!!", I called him.

"But we all knew it's true.", Xiumin said and I heard Tiffany chuckles.

"A witch is a murderer?", I asked Tiffany.

"By the way, nice costume." I said to her and that made her smile.

"Oh hello there guys! Let's go eat there!", Sooyoung and Yoona  sprouted from somewhere.

"COME ON! LET'S ENJOY THE CREEPY NIGHT!", the emcee yelled and the music starts to play.



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  ~♡SeoLynn♡~ (^-^)

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