Chapter 10 - Sorrow

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Days past, eomma's body is getting weaker and weaker. She's always laying on the bed. Her tuberculosis makes her weak. She is continuously coughing all the time . She can't walk. To make her smile and happy, we are just singing or dancing in front of her.

"You're truly amazing and talented girls.", eomma said while smiling and clapping to us.

"Kamsahamnida!", we all said happily.


Two days past, eomma died. Of course, We're not recovered about what happened. Kai, Suho and Lay went to eomma's burial for condolence.

We're all weeping in sorrow. Even the maids, knights, and all people in the Nollan Wangguk went to see their queen. This is eomma's last day of burial.

"Girls, I really can't accept what happened to eomma.", I said while we're looking at eomma.

"All of us can't accept it.", Yoona said crying.

"Of course she's our loving mom.", Seohyun said weeping.

"It's ok girls", appa said crying at our back. "At least we all made her happy on her last days here.", he added.

"Yes. I know she died happy. We made her happy before she died.", Hyoyeon said.


We're still crying. It's time to cremate eomma's body. The triplets, Yoona, Yuri and Seohyun didn't go where the crematorium is. They said they don't want to see it.

Kai, Suho and Lay is there to comfort us. We decided to sing Dear Mom and All my Love Is For You songs for eomma.


We went to Mrs. Park's burial. She is Tiffany's eomma. We're trying to comfort the girls. I can relate my family to them in some other term. Like them,  we also have a broken family now so I understand what they feel if your parent were separated or one of them died. While remembering that mom and dad separated each other, I noticed that a tear drop falls through my face. I quickly wiped it by my hands.

I saw Tiffany sitting and still crying on the bench. I walk towards her then I gave her my handkerchief to help to wipe her tears.

"Take this.", I said as I handed her ny handkerchief.

"Gomawo", Fany said then she wipe her tears with my hanky.

I sit beside her and I tell many things about my family, that we are the same. We both have broken family.

"You can adjust these following days on what happened. I know you can", I said rubbing her back smoothly.

I leaned her head on my shoulder, she's still crying. She's so sad, and it also makes me sad. I don't want to see her sad like this.

"Thanks for comforting me, it really helps me.", Fany said looking stright to me and she gave me a tight hug. I'm quite shocked on what she did but it's ok.

"Just always remember that I'm always here for you. Anytime and anywhere.", I said comforting her as I could.


We didn't went to the crematorium, we don't want and we can't take it anymore. Even we're on the palace, we're still weeping in our room.

"Is it really ok that we didn't go to eomma's cremation there?", Yuri asked.

"Hmmm... Maybe... Of course it's ok. Maybe they are on their way back here.", Yoona said, still sad.

I wish this is just a very bad dream.


We are on the way home with Suho, Lay and Kai to eat. Anyone and everyone can eat there. We're still sad. We can't live. without eomma. We missed her so much. We displayed the frames with eomma's picture in our room. Eomma is never be here but she''ll remain in our hearts.

Everytime I think and remember our happy memories and bonding with eomma, I'm always about to cry.


It's really hard to accept when someone left you, especially when he or she is very close to you.

It's dinner time, even though I'm a shikshin, I can't eat for the first time because of what happened. Of course I'm not totally recovered from it. I don't know if I'll recover.


While I'm reading the newspaper, I saw news about Queen Park Eun Shin. She died days ago. Hmm ok fine. I didn't mind her anymore, but still. I hate her and her family. I don't know if it is a good or bad news. Good because she's my enemy? Bad because from now on Nollan Wangguk did't have a queen?

I noticed that Lay and Suho isn't in the house yet. It's already past 9 pm. Where could they be? I try to call their phone but no one answers it. They'll be punish later on when they enter this house.


Omo! Its already past 9, we should go back home now or else mom will hit us.

"Suho, think we need to go back home before eomma hit us.", I said after I tap Suho's shoulder.

"Ah ye! Maybe she'll hit us. Damn!", Suho said as he tap his forehead.

"Why?", Kai asked.

Kai lives with dad in the palace, and Suho & I live with mom in a house.

"No more time to explain Kai, we better hurry now!", I said quickly then we say goodbye to the girls and Mr. Park. We now also knew that they are princesses, but we didn't say that we're princes.


I quickly drives the car until we get to the house. We slowly enter the house without noise so that mom did not notice us, but mom is still awake and we're busted.

"So, both of you, where are you from?", mom speaks aggressively with one eyebrow up.

"We're from our friend's birthday party.", I said.

Mom knew that we're not telling the truth so she gave us our punishment. Well sleeping at the living room without pillows and bedsheets as a punishment. We just accept it.

"Hate this!!!", I whispered and I just closed my eyes and sleep on the floor.



Sorry if this chapter is not nice. I'll make the next better than this one.

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Xie xie.


~♡SeoLynn♡~ (^-^)

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