Chapter 7 - A Mean Queen

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KING SOO MIN'S POV (Hyonjeohan wangguk's king)

Eghrr.... I really can't bare this anymore! the only thing that makes me really really mad like this is the one and arrogant queen of Hyonjeohan Wangguk, Queen Jin Hye! She really makes me mad because of her attitude! I know that arguments and quarrels are normal to us, but now I'm full with her stupid words and arrogant actions. I should make an action for this. I don't want to do this but I need to, for the sake of my sons. My sons are in trouble on Jin hye's hands.


QUEEN JIN HYE'S POV (Hyonjeohan wangguk's queen)

I saw Lay and Kai are practicing new dance moves.

"Hey both of you!" i caught the boys' attention. "Come here!"

"Waeyo?", Kai asked

"You're asking me why?", the boys just staring at me. "You know, both of you are always learning dance steps huh, why didn't you try to read books to enhance your academic skills! Its not good if you're just talented dancers, its better if you're intelligent also! Remember all my advices boys. You should stop dancing or what so ever! Study!", i hooted them while pointing them angrily. Before i leave, i get their music box so that they couldn't pracrice their  dance steps.

"What happened to mom?", Lay asked Kai in a whispered way.

"Hmm.. She's always like that, but she really bursts now.", Kai answered . I continue hears them whispering to each other until I'm far from them.

I started my day with a bad mood i don't know why. But when days past, i noticed that I'm having a bad mood always and everyday. Everything and anything i saw, i'll complain about it even its a peice of dirt their.

I walk to the kitchen to check what fruit i could eat. While searching for fruits, i saw the vegies were fallen from the table, it gets dirty and no one picks it up.

"Ugh.. Hey you!", i said as i caught the cook's arm and pinch it. "Why do you let the vegetables to fall down and get dirty huh? You know that we will be eating that for lunch!", i hooted and still pinching and holding his arm.

"Ouch! Your highness, it hurts.", he said closing his eyes in hurt.

"So you're complaining huh!", i said as i pinch harder.

"No your highness, no", he said and it sounds like he's conplaining.

"Hmm...", i released him. "From now on, you're not working on kitchen ok", i said smiling. "Because you are FIRED! Now go get your things and get out! GET OUT!" i said to him shouting.


She always have a bad attitude thay makes me angry.


I go to the boys room to check if all is organized. As I walk near the door to knock, I hear noises from their room, laughters, musics, voices, all i hear is a loud noise, so I enter without knocking.

*Door opens.

I saw them playing, dancing, jumping on their beds, pillow fighting, laughing and other more. Xiumin throw a pillow to Kyung Soo who's standing in front of me, Kyung Soo bows and the pillow slaps on my face.

"Uh-oh...", Xiumin said while everyone stops on their bussinesses. Everyone stops laughing and stares at me. A while ago, they laugh at me.

"Eghrr....", i crample my hands. "Why-are-you-laughiiiiing?!", i shouted angrily to them and the place goes quiet. Their things are mess, even their beds. They are all in Xiumin's room. Everything is a mess.

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