Chapter 13 - Captured!!!♡

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Omo! What will I do now? We're doing nothing here. We're just strucked and simply sitting while waiting for the order. We're both quiet and our heads were bowed. Do I need to open up a topic for us to talk?

"Hi, how are-", he stopped. "So, how are y-", I stopped after I recognized that we speak together. We both chuckled.

"Ok you go first.", Baekhyun said smiling.

"You go first", I said to him with sweet smile.

After a moment of silence, I decided to speak again.

"I didn't expe-", we both said again in coincidence.

"You better go first", I said to him chuckling.

"No, speak first. Ladies first.", he said smiling to me.

"So, I didn't expect that you are Mr. Mi Yeon.", I said facing him.

"I didn't expect this too. That you are KIM YEPEUDA.", he said to me. I think we both didn't expect this.

"Here are your orders ma'am, sir.  Is there anything you need?", the waiter gave us our food and then he asked.

"None", Baekhyun and I answered together in coincidence again.

"Mmm... My favorite cake always tastes good.", he said after he ate a smaller piece of cake.

"Yes. Me too.", I said back.

We talk about many different things. About me, about him. I felt comfortable now with him. We laugh, had fun while eating.


Taeyeon unnie didn't allow us to come with her. She left us here, hungry and starving for some yummy foods. Why she didn't allow us? What's her problem? Maybe she has a secret! I'm so curious.

"Sooyoung! I really wanna go to Starbucks too! I want to eat their.", Yoona said with an aegyo face as she stamp her foot in the ground like a child.

After a moment of silence...

"Ting! Light bulb!", Yoona and I said together as we face each other with widened eyes and a big smile on our faces.

"Do you think what I'm thinking?", I said while I wrap my arm around her shoulder.

"Yes! Come on!", Yoona said and an evil smile on her face but still, she's cute.

"Aja!", we both said grinning.

We are so desperate to eat at the Starbucks, so Yoona and I decided to follow Taeyeon unnie but we disguised so that she wouldn't notice us. We used black shades, coats, and hats. We ride on a cab, we can't use the car because she may notice us following her.

We sat down and call the waiter.

"I'll order a piece of caramel mocha cake, a piece of triple chocolate cake and a large milk tea.", Yoona ordered.

"Ok I'll order two pieces of vanilla cake,  also a large milk tea and 2 pieces of small brownies." I said to the waiter.

While waiting for the order we search for Taeyeon.

"Yoona! There's Taeyeon", I said whispering because she may hear and notice us.

"Yeh! There she is. With...", Yoona said

"Hoh! With Baekhyun oppa!", I gasped and continued what Yoona said.

We both gasp. Are they dating? Hmm... If they are dating, they would be a perfect couple!

"What do you think Sooyoung?", Yoona asked me.

"I think they're dating.", I answered.

"Let's ca-", Yoona stopped because the waiter spoke.

"Here are your orders your highness", the waiter gave us our foods. It looks yummy.

"I'm already starving", Sooyoung said placing her hand on her tummy.

We ate all the foods we ordered but Baekhyun and Taeyeon still talking and laughing each other.

"Unnie! Let's capture them some photos! They really look cute.", Yoona said.

"Ok! It's a good idea that we disguised.", I said smiling and we put out our phones and capture their happy moments there.

We are smiling and chuckling while taking photos of them.


While we're talking, I noticed two girls? I'm not sure, but I'm sure that they are taking pictures of us. I look at them and try to guess who are they.

"What are you looking at?", Taeyeon asked and she look where I'm looking.

"Eerhhh... Sooyoung and Yoona!", I said and stood up from my seat.


"UH OH...", Sooyoung said and we stopped capturing photos because they saw us.

"Aah! Sooyoung! They noticed us!", I screamed.

We ran out of the Starbucks to escape. We ride on a cab and drive through the palace.

Even though we escaped recently, I'm sure we can't escape later. At the palace.

"Why Taeyeon is so good in guessing people even though they are disguised?", i asked.

"Huh...", Sooyoung and I sigh together in relief.



Sorry for the late update readers! Hope you forgive me. Don't worry I'll finish this story up to 60 chapters and that is because of you all.

Even Jessica and Kris had been back out from their groups, I still include them both in my Fanfic.

Target for the next update:
Votes/Likes: 10
Comments: 8
Reads: 100 (minimum)

Readers who voted the recent chapter, KAMSAHAMNIDA!

》》I'll dedicate this chapter for the first reader that will comment here!《《


~♡SeoLynn♡~ (^-^) 서린

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