Chapter 28 - This Dance

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My plan worked. She fell to the lake and she looks annoyed. She continues to splash the water through my face.

"Why did you do that?! This is all your fault!", she said with anger.

My serious face turned into laughing one. I found her cute while splashing the water.

"You're cute.", I said to her while covering my face with my hands to protect from water splashes.

She stopped working with the splash and her face blushed.

"Don't change the topic!", Sunny said while splashing the water again.


"What's happening to these people?", I whispered.

As I turned around to go inside the pavilion, I saw Jessica staring and it made me gasped a little.

"Ehem...", I made fake cough and continued to walk.

"Hey cold guy!", Jessica approached. I think she's calling me, so I stopped walking but I didn't face her.

"Don't you want to apologize on what you did earlier?", she spoke again.

"It's your fault. You blocked my way.", I said and left her.

"Aish...", I heard her.


"Jessica! Please help me here.", I said then Jessica lend her hand and she pulled me up.

"What happened to you? Here, let me help you.", Tiffany came with her pink blanket and gave it to me then we walk inside the pavilion.

"Hey cutie! Wait!", Xiumin shouted.

Jessica and Tiffany stopped from walking and look back to Xiumin, then to me.

"What?.... He's crazy!", I just said and we continue walking.


"Girls i think we need to go back to the palace. It's getting dark. Appa might get mad at us if we went home late.", i said to the girls.

"Do you really need to go home now?", Baekhyun asked me.

"Ya, can't you spend few more hours here?", Suho asked Tiffany.

"It's Taeyeon's decision. We can't break it.", Fany said.

"Taeyeon unnie before you leave, can I have a favor?", Tao asked.

"Ok. What is it?", I questioned.

Tao hold the wishing flower. And make a wish.

"I wish there was a romantic music playing. Since the pavilion is huge, all we need is music.", Tao wished.

"I think that was a good idea.", Baekhyun agreed.

Few seconds ago, the musical instruments appeared from behind while playing alone. (SNSD song-Forever-instrumental version)

I just don't understand, what was this for?

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