Chapter 19 - New World

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I wanna have a date with Tiffany. You know, just the two of us only. And I want it right now. I immediately called a taxi cab to drive me to the Nollan palace.

After few minutes, I'm already at the palace and searching for Tiffany somewhere. I heard noises at their royal garden. I saw the other girls there and an unexpected person. Guess who?




. -_-



Why he's here? I knew that he escaped at the Hyonjeohan palace again. He's so naughty.

I walk towards to them and they noticed me. They waved their hands and I do the same.

"So why are you here bro?", I asked Xiumin normally.

"I just invited some girls to my celebration later. I invited Sunny, Seohyun, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon and Tiffany.", he said smiling widely.


Why Tiffany?! I'm going to ask her for a date!

"But, can you leave Tiffany to me? I'm planning for our date today.", I asked then whispering the last sentence, but my voice is enough to hear.

"You can have a date at the palace!", Xiumin said loudly.

"What date?", Tiffany asked us.

"Suho wants to have a dateiughthud-", I stopped Xiumin for being talkative. I covered his mouth with my hand.

I didn't get a response from Fany, I just heard her giggle.

"Is it a date? No problem Suho. We can have it at the palace.", Tiffany said smiling.

I'm so disappointed. I thought I can be with her on a date all by myself, but no.

Later on, Seohyun, Sooyoung, Sunny, Hyoyeon, Tiffany, Xiumin and I were at the Hyonjeohan palace already.


Suho pulled me into a place where there's no other people, just the two of us only. I'm shocked, then he released my hand.

"I want you to be mine.", Suho whispered to my ear while he is hugging me from my back without permission. That causes me to be frozen on my place.

"I want to be alone with you", he spoke again whispering.

To inform you from now on, Suho is my official suitor. Yes, a suitor not a boyfriend, but he keeps acting like mine.

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