Chapter 27 - Love Hate moments

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FLASHBACK (Continuation)


Why I can't remeberd about it?

"Wow. This thing is so nice", I heard Seohyun speaks while handling the shinning shimmering glass box.

"That's it!", I said as I walk towards Seohyun.

"Seohyun, You're such a genius!", I said gladly.

"This box is the way to the magical place!", I said and open the box then pull the lace inside it.

We waited for some seconds and the stairs formed beside the table. Similar happenings when I went here before.

"What's down there?", Sunny asked.

"I don't know either. I didn't try to go down there, but I bet it's magical. I feel it in my bones.", I said then walk downstairs as they follow.

I just wish that the man who named Seung Gi don't come out of our way. I'm sure he will claim again that I'm his princess and girlfriend.

We walked underground and we saw some tiny sparkling creatures came out of our way.

"Omo! Please don't harm me!", Hyoyeon said to the tiny creatures flying while trying to hide on Seohyun's back.

"Calm down Hyoyeon, they won't harm us.", Taeyeon said.

"Look, I think they like us to follow them.", Jessica said.

It lead us to a forest and it's awesome. This is awesome!

"Look, I guess these are flowers.", Sooyoung said pointing to the colorful flowers with big petals.

"I'm so hungry. I wish we can have a snack", Sooyoung wished.

"But we didn't have food. And I didn't see anything to eat here.", Yuri said.

"Girls, look! The flowers gave us snacks!", Tiffany said gasped.

"Wow!", we reacted.

"It's like a wishing well, or should I say it is a wishing flower.", Sooyoung said while eating.

"Annyeong flower, I wish I can have a pink scarf.", Tiffany said talking to a pink flower and the flowers granted it.

"Is it real? Is it real?", Seohyun asked.

"Yes it is!", Tiffany said gladly while handling the scarf.

"Unnie, I think it's a pavilion. Let's go!", Yuri said looking at the nearby pavilion.


"We walked, and walked until we get here.", Hyoyeon finished the story telling of their journey.


"We're hungry hyung.", D.o & Tao said together.

"Here.", Sooyoung said as she gave a flower to me.

"What was this for?", I asked.

"It's a wishing flower. You can wish to have food to eat", Taeyeon informed as she walks towards us.

"Since it's lunch time, we need to have food.", Sooyoung said.

"Hyung! I wanna wish.", Tao said getting the flower from Baekhyun's hand.

"I wish we can have food to eat.", Tao closed his eyes and wished.

After a while, the tiny creatures appeared again and heading to somewhere so we followed them.

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