Chapter 20 - Just for A while

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I heard that the triplets, Yoona, Yuri and Seohyun will attend a Spanish class at Incheon, Seoul today. They enrolled last week. I need to attend that class too. Most important is, I need to be Seohyun's classmate.

The five boys including dad are still eating. I need to inform them.

"Dad, I'll be attending a Spanish class today. I need to go now 'coz I'm not enrolled yet. Goodbye!", I said and immediately fix myself at my room and leave the palace.


I'm really surprised that Luhan will attend a class. He hates attending classes.

"Chen, any idea why Luhan is like that?", I asked while eating dessert.

"Hmm... Don't know. He must waited for us.", Chen answered then he continue eating.


I got lost at Incheon, so it took some of my time. It's already 8:45 am when I arrived at Incheon Foreign School and I need to be enrolled before 9, because the class will start at 9 am.

After enrolling, I need to find the Spanish class which is at room 165.

"It's already 9 o'clock. Faster...", I said to myself while searching for the room.

Finally, I found it. I immediately opened the door and the professor was standing there calling all the students' names.

"Annyeonghaseyo! Gyosu nim mianhamnida.", I said and bowed. (Gyosu-Professor)

"Take a sit.", the Prof. said.

I saw an empty seat at the back and I walk fast to sit there. My professor continued to call every students' name. After that, he introduced himself.

"Annyeonghaseyo! Jeoneun Gyosu Lee Min Ho.", he introduced politely.

Good thing that he was kind and handsome, but I'm better than him. *smirks*

My eyes is searching someone. I slowly searched from my left side to my right side. I turned to my right side.

"Hi!", she said facing me.

"Oh. There you are.", I said in a low voice and smiling.

"Waeyo? Are you searching for me?", she asked smiling.

"Hmm... Actually, y-", I stopped.

"Mr. Luhan and Ms. Seohyun, are you listening on what I'm discussing here?", prof. asked.

"Ne.", we both answered.

"Jinja, come here in front and introduce yourself in Spanish, since that's what I'm discussing here in front.", Prof Lee commanded.

I immediately read the writings on the board on how to introduce yourself. It's quite simple.

"Mr. Luhan, please come first. Let's see if you really listen.", Prof said.

"Hola! Me llamo Lu-", I stopped when I saw Tao and Chen slightly waving their hands on me.

Why they are here? They also attending Spanish class without informing me? They should told me before so we can travel together and I didn't get lost. I heard Prof. Lee coughs. I forgot what I'm doing.

"Hola! Me llamo Luhan. Tengo beinte años. Me gusta cantar y bailar los kpop canciones.", I said nervously. Good thing that I heard some Spanish words recently.

Ugh... I really hate this. I enrolled on this class because of her.

"Hola! Buenos diaz compañeros. Me llamo Seohyun. Tengo beinte años.", she said and go back to her seat and smiled at me.

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