Chapter 34 - Me Gustas Tu

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"Nuguseyo ajjushi? Marhae!" Yoona said still cornering him.

"Yuriya! Is he the one who sends you those?" Yoona asked preferring to the gifts i received, then I nodded.

"Ajjushi, why do you keep your face? Why don't you introduce yourself to us? We're not bad persons *because we're beautiful*"  Yoona said whispering the last phrase.

Yoona finally removes his cap and...

"Woah!" We both exclaimed.

"You look familiar ajjusshi... Where and when did I saw you first... Aha!" Yoona moved closer to the guy

"I really don't remember when." Yoona said throwing his cap.

Yoona and I started to have a little meeting and we keep on whispering about what's happening here.

"Is he one of the princes of Hyonjeohan Wangguk? I bet he is." I asked confused

"Ah! Ne! Right, he is one of them. He's the Panda one! But I don't know his name." Yoona answered.


I left the house without my brothers noticing it. I bring the gifts that I should send to her. I walk out happily and excited even I knew that I'm not going to see her. I'm already happy knowing that she receives every gift that I'd given to her.

I cannot give her this personally because I'm really lack of confidence especially when in front oh her, so I just keep on sending it to their guards.

After I left the gift, I decided to go to a cafe but as I turn around, I saw her and my whole body got frozen.

She keeps on speaking and speaking and speaking but I didn't understand anything because I was distracted by her beautiful face.

"Ye~ yeppeuda..." I said out of nowhere.

I just keep staring on her until someone called her and by that time, I immediately attempted to run away, I'm really not ready to reveal myself to her. Not today!

I thought I'm going to escape from them, but Yoona is really a fast-runner.

They keep on whispering, talking about me. Looks like they already know who I am? I'm really nervous right now. My hands are cold and shaking.

Hands! Can you just stop shaking right now? It's embarrassing in front of Yuri~

"Ajjusshi!" Yoona called

"I knew who you are, you're one of Luhan's brother right?" Yoona said and I just nodded.

"Ireumi mwoeyo?" Yuri asked me plainly. (What's your name?)

Omo~ i really love her voice...

I immediately shake my head to turn back to reality.

"Ajjusshi? Ireumi mwoeyo???" She repeated.

I sighed.

Is this the time I should reveal myself to her?

"Lister Mr. We already knew who you are, we just forgot your name, we really can't recall your name." Yoona said and Yuri keeps quietly standing.

"Tao-imnida." I said bowing my head

"Ah yeah! You're Tao, the panda one! I knew it!" Yoona said clapping happily.

Why Yuri didn't say anything?

What would be her reaction?

Did I disappoint her?

I didn't do anything wrong.

"Tao-sshi, why do you keep sending me gifts?" Yuri asked me frankly.

"Keuchi! Wae wae wae wae waeyo?!" Yoona added.

"You know, I'm really confused why you keep on doing that." Yuri explained.

"Ne! She already filled the cabinet with her stuffs supposed to used for our extra clothes." Yoona said.

"Yoonaya Mianhaeyo." Yuri said

"Gwaenchanha~" Yoona said smiling.

Few moments passed nobody speaks among us three.

"Tao-ssi, I'll keep waiting until you answer my question. I'll wait no matter what." Yuri said sitting under the tree in front of me.

"Ne! Nado!" Yoona said too.

Yuri suddenly stares at her referring for her to leave us alone.

"Ahh, ye, I remembered I'm going out somewhere else." Yoona said then she left.

Few minutes passed....

I keep thinking if this is the right time for her to know.

"Yuri-ssi!" I called her.


"Yuri-ssi!" he called

Did he just speak?

Did he just called my name?

I thought he's not going to speak anything.

"Ah n-ne?" I responded expecting to heard his explanation to my question.

I already widened my eyes expecting to hear more from him, but he just bowed her head again.

I rolled my eyes in disappointment.

After few more minutes...

I'm really hungry right now...  I didn't have a brunch yet!

I'm going now.

"Yuri-ssi!" As I prepare to stand up, he called me again.

"What is it this time? Are you joking around here?! It's already time! I didn't take any foods yet!  I'm reall-" he didn't waited to finish what I'm saying then he finally speak up.

"Me gustas tu..." He said bowing his head.

"W-what?" I exclaimed

"Me gustas tu Yuri." He said again with my name.

What does that mean? I'm pretty sure I already heard it before.

I feel something weird out of a sudden.

What is this feeling? Omo!!! Is this hunger again?!

He run fast leaving me alone here.

"Whaaah!!! OMO OMO OMO!!!" I screamed entering the palace.



Sorry for this chapter, it's quite short.

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Kamsaranghae ❤❤



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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