Chapter 3 - After 15 years in Hyonjeohan Wangguk

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It had been many, many years after that terrible dinner we had with the king and queen of Nollan Wangguk. I hope I didn't see them forever. I don't wanna see them both, especially that stupid queen, but now I'm focusing to be a future grandmother of my grand sons & grand daughters if ever one of my sons will have a wife, especially my eldest son, Baekhyun. I'm so excited to be a grandmother. I should wake up them now.


"Baekhyun, Chanyeol wake up now.", i heard mom hooted.

"Eghrr... What time is it?", I whispered while opening my eyes and still sleepy.

"I don't want to wake up now... It's too early", Chanyeol said then he put his pillow on his face.

Is it too early for waking us up?

"Wake up boys!" mom said again, "I'm gonna wake up your brothers, please hurry up ok", she added.


"Hey boys, wake up the breakfast is served", i saw mom entered our room.

"Ok mom just wait a minute please", i said.

"Ok i'll wait you both on our dining area", mom said.


"Where are the boys?", King Soo Min asked me.

Where are that naughty boys? I already waked them up! Eghrrr...

"Just wait a minute, I'll call them one more time", i said and smiled.

I should get the bell for waking them up. Where's that bell... Aha! that's it. I get the bell and lead to the boys' rooms.

"Boys! Boys! Wake up please!", i hooted while clanging the bell in Kai & D.O's room

"Huh! What's that noise?", D.O shocked.

The boys are already waked up.

"Boys, fix yourselves now, your father is waiting on our dining area for breakfast.", i said then i leave them on in the corridor and they go back to their rooms to fix themselves.

In the dining area...

"I already waked them up", i said and a while ago, "They're here!", i said happily then smiled.

"Good morning dad", Kai said.

"good morning", the triplets said.

"Good morning mom", the twins said.

"Good morning boys", the King said happily to them.

While eating our breakfast, i asked Baekhyun about having his wife.

"Baekhyun my son, When will you have your wife my dear?", i asked him.

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