Chapter 15 - 3ple De8 ???

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We are totally bored at the house. Nothing to do. I'm glad that eomma remains calm for the past days. I think she already recovered and moved on.

Baekhyun and I decided to go to the mall to refresh our minds. In the kitchen, D.O is teaching... Teaching Kris how to cook?! Jinja?! Uhmm... Much better.

"Let's go to the ice cream shop", Baekhyun suggested.

As we walk trough the ice cream shop, we saw Luhan, Chanyeol and Tao entering the ice cream shop too. We wave our hands to them and walk towards.

"Hyung! Long time no see!", Tao said happily.

We all embraced each other manly. We really missed each other. We separated because of our parents.

"Let's eat inside!", Luhan said.

"Ne! I want ice cream.", Baekhyun said.

And we enter the ice cream shop. We fall in line at the counter to order.

"I'll order large cookies n' cream.", Luhan said.

"One rocky road please.", I ordered.

"Give me large double dutch.", Tao said.

"Plain vanilla ice cream for me." Baekhyun ordered.

"One scoop chocolate and two scoops rocky road please.", Chanyeol said.

The cashier at the counter wrote all our orders. We find seats for us to sit. Later on, the waiter served us our orders.


"Hmm... Tao! That looks yummy." I said looking at his ice cream. "Can I have?", then I straightly scooped a scoop of his ice cream without waiting his approval.

"Hey!", Tao moved his ice cream far away from me. "This is mine! You have yours!", Tao complained.

I knew I have mine but I just want to taste his ice cream. Brothers were sharing right?

"Ok. Stop that.", Suho said.

"Let's finish our ice creams and We will walk around the mall." Baekhyun suggested.


While walking inside the mall, unexpectedly but I'm happy, because I saw my cute Kimchi, I mean Taeyeon, Tiffany, and I think the other one is Seohyun.

God Damn! She's so pretty today, as always. I didn't notice that they wave their hands to us and they come nearer.

"Annyeonghaseyo!", Taeyeon said and bowed but still, my eyes were strucked on her face. "Hi!", She looked at me.

"Oops... I think my bro was strucked with your angelic face.", Chanyeol said jokingly. Yeol put his arm above my shoulder with pressure. My mind goes back to reality because of Chanyeol. Taeyeon just chuckles.

"By the way, I'm Chanyeol, Baekhyun's handsome brother hehe.", Yeol introduced himself and lend his hand to Taeyeon.

"And this i-.", Chanyeol introduced Luhan but Luhan cut it off.

"Luhan. I'm Luhan", Luhan introduced himself and had a shake hands with Taeyeon.

"This is Tao", then he point his finger to Tao.

"So who are the two lovely angels beside you?", Luhan said


Chanyeol Introduced himself and his other brothers to us. I'll also introduce my sisters to them.

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