Chapter 23 - The moments

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Whooohoo!!! I really felt satisfaction when I saw Luhan wearing a gown. She looks like a lady. All he need is a wig.

"Can I spin the bottle now?", Yoona asked.

"Yes, Of course beaitiful!", Kai agreed.

Yoona handed the bottle to spin it. The bottle take long time to stop. What the k! (What the kpop!-lol) Accidentally, it landed on me.

"Ok Baekhyun! Tru-", Lay was interrupted by him.

"I'm gonna ask him", Luhan said smirking.

"Ugh... Interrupted by someone, AGAIN! . . . . . . . . . . . . FINE!", Lay was annoyed.

"It's my time!", Luhan said smirking.

I know he has a plan for me, but I don't care! Seeing him like that? Ow! It's so awesome! Haha! If you just imagine what does he looks like.

"Truth or Dare?", Luhan asked.

"Truth", i proudly answered.

"Ok! Baekhyun are you gay?", Luhan straightly asked.

I saw how Taeyeon reacted in what Luhan said.

"Of course I am!", I answered manly.

"Are you sure?", Luhan said smirking. I knew he has a plan for me but what is it?

"Yes!!!!", I answered.

"Really??? So what does this mean?", he grabbed his phone and presented a video clip.

It's a video of me! A video while I'm at my mom's room.

"You're not a gay but why you're inside mom's room, and doing something that men didn't do?", Luhan asked still smirking. The smirk on his face, I feel that he's proud and comfortable that he can win over me.

"I'm just searching something there!", I answered yelling nervously.

I took a glance at Taeyeon. Her face is serious. I mean no expressions.

"Is that true?", Taeyeon asked whispering to me.

"Oh really huh... But why you are keep on handling those dresses and accessories?", he asked me again.

When will he stop on questioning me?! I can't say to them that I'm there to see mom's things because I wanna give Taeyeon a gift. Mom is a fashionable queen, so I think her things are the best to have an idea because I want to buy things like hers for my Kimchi.

"Ehrrrr!!!! Give me that phone!!", I said while trying to get the phone from Luhan. He stood up and I keep on chasing him. It's a disadvantage that he wears a gown, he had a hard time on escaping from me. When I chased him, I deleted the video.

"Even you deleted it, everyone already watched it.", Luhan said with an evil laugh. It Doesn't fits his outfit.

"By the way, highway. I captured that video secretly. I knew that I can use it as an armor hahaha!", everyone is laughing continuously on what happened, except Taeyeon, Suho and I. Taeyeon remains shocked. Suho is busy with his phone.

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