Chapter 33 - Nugushimnikka?

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These past days, I keep receiving gifts from this unknown guy a.k.a. MR. MR. Or Mr. Mysterious .

I always receive the same designs of gift boxes and gift bags which has Mickey Mouse's faces.

Why he keeps on hiding his identity? Is he a wanted person? Or maybe a secret agent? Heol... Or can be... an.... escaped prisoner? 

Omooo omooo anii!!! Ani. It can't be! 
Then.... Who is he?? 

Nugushimnikka?? (Who are you??)

I'm so eager now to find out that guy! I don't even have space for incoming gifts from him, these are too much! 

Hmmm... I have an idea!


"Got you!" I said and covered his mouth using my secret weapon, and in a blast, he fell down and asleep.

I carry him out without anyone seeing me. 

Omo, he really looks suspicious right now.

Just imagine what he's wearing right now, an all-black outfit with tinted shades and black mask.

Omo!!! He's starting to wake up!!!

I grab the rope and tie him up under the tree. I just wish no one could see me here.

"Where I am?", he asked

"What's happening? Why I'm tired up here?!" Asked again.

"Ssshhhhh~", i hushed.

"Nuguseyo?" He asked again (who are you?)

Hah! I'm must be the one who ask him that! 

"Ehem ehem." I cleared my throat and tries to change the tone of my voice.

"NUGUSHIMNIKKAYO?!" I asked him seriously without showing my face and presenting my identity.


Hmmm... I have an idea!

I list all the items he gave and the date and time I received it. And finally, I found out the pattern when he used to gave me those gifts. 

I immediately wear all black jacket, cap and shoes to hide my identity.

I mustn't forget my secret weapon. 

Actually, that's not that deadly as what you think. It's just a hanky with a little amount of poison, that's not that dangerous. I'm not a bad person at all.

I go outside and wait for anyone who may come, i hide myself somewhere far from the main gate of the palace.

Detective mode, ON!


Few minutes later, I saw someone and he looks like going to deliver or send something because of the package he's carrying and he's heading to the palace.

This is it! 



"Tell me who are you!" I commanded him, showing my face.

"Your Highness, please untie me here." He pleaded with relief. 

Why he seems so relieved? He don't know what I'm going to do to him afterwards. 

"Ani. Reveal your identity first." I said having the authority right now. 

"Your Highness, I'm the King's sender", he stated.


I'm froze after I heard that. 

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