Chapter 30 - New Couples???

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It's been two weeks since we got back from that magical place, and it's also been two weeks since I started receiving Micky Mouse stuffed toys. If it's not a stuffed toy, I receive either chocolates or roses.

"Yuri dongsaeng, are you going to eat that? Or you will just stare it until it melts?" Sooyoung said staring

I sighed. Who is this mysterious person keeps on sending me these stuffs?

While thinking some thoughts, someone knocks on our door. Seohyun opened the door.

"Good morning your highness." The servant greeted as we smile at her.

"I have something for Ms. Y-" she stopped

"Waahhh!!! Chocolates!!!" Sooyoung and Yoona said in chorus.
They both go near the servant and immediately checked the package.

"Dear Ms. Yuri, Here is my simple gift for a very lovely girl. Hope you like it" Sooyoung and Yoona read the tag on the box of chocolate. "Yiiiee!! Ahhh! It's so sweet", they both said again.

I get near them and take a look.

"And here's the flowers Ms. Yuri" the servant gave me the bouquet of flowers. I slowly get it and quickly check the tag.

"For Ms. Yuri, from Mr. Mysterious "

"So, who is the mysterious guy?" Jessica asked.

"I don't know. It's so strange, why would he sent me all of these?" I answered

"Yul, obviously he likes you!", Taeyeon said.

"He likes you so much!", Tiffany said smiling

"But who is he?", Sunny asked

I sighed. "I don't have any idea." I said

"Yoong! I'm craving for chocolates.", Sooyoung said while pouting her lips.

"So, are we gonna buy or you'll just sit there?" Yoona said when she go outside our room.

They both run excitedly outside to buy. They are really shikshins.


I took a walk for a while to feel fresh air outside the palace.

I stopped in front of a pastry shop. I walked in.

"Please give me a box of cupcake." I said.

"Here sir." I paid and get the box.

On my way to palace, I think the thought that "Why did I bought these?"

Am I craving for cupcakes because of what happened two weeks ago?

I'm not totally eating cupcakes.
Then why did I bought these?

Should I left it here? Because no one will eat these.


"Sooyoung, I'll just buy some stuffs here." Yoona said as she go inside the grocery store.

"Ok. See you at the... you know!" I said smiling.

"Haha! Yes, I know where can I find you." She answered.

I walk to the Pangeul Paneun Shop, my favorite pastry shop.

I'm going to buy chocolate moist cake.

As I go near the shop I see an unwanted happening that made me feel bad.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I yelled as he leave the box of cupcake on the trash.

He slowly turned around.

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