Chapter 1 - Monarchial South Korea?

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South Korea, one of the famous countries in the world. What if it is not a Democratic country? What if it become a Monarchial country which has a king and queen.

South Korea have two kingdoms, they are the Nollan Wangguk (Wonderful Kingdom) and the Hyonjeohan Wangguk. (Great Kingdom)

The Nollan Wangguk has a king named Park Lee Man. Lee Man has a wife which is the queen of the kingdom, her name is Park Eun Shin. Lee Man and Eun Shin have 9 wonderful princesses. Yes, princesses because they're all girls.

Taeyeon, the eldest and the role model of all the girls. Sunny, the cutest one. Jessica and Tiffany, the twins but sometimes they're naughty. Hyoyeon, the dancer. Sooyoung, the girl with cute cheekbones. Yoona, Yuri & Seohyun, the cute triplets. Yoona comes first, Yuri is the second one and Seohyun comes last so that, they consider Seohyun as their Maknae.

Taeyeon is 11 years old. Sunny is 9. Jessica & Tiffany are 8. Hyoyeon is 7. Sooyoung is 6. Yoona, Yuri and Seohyun are 5.

The second kingdom is the Hyonjeohan Wangguk. Their king is Wang Soo Min and their queen is Wang Jin Hye. And of course they also have kids. Their 12 kids are all boys in the other term they are princes.

Their sons are Baekhyun which is the eldest. Xiumin, Kris & Suho, they are triplets. Kai, the hiphop dancer. Lay, the adorable one. The next is Chen. The twins, Luhan and Sehun then next is Chanyeol. They have twins again and it's D.O and Tao.

Baekhyun is 12 years old. Xiumin, Kris and Suho are 11. Kai is 10. Lay is 8. Chen is 7. Luhan and Sehun are 5. Chanyeol is 4. D.O and Tao are 3.

The two families are very happy with their children but you don't know that the king and queen of the two kingdoms are both mad with each other. The Nollan Wangguk has an enemy and its the Hyonjeohan Wangguk. Also the Hyonjeonhan Wangguk has an enemy, its the Nollan Wangguk.

It all started with a dinner meet up.


The queen of the Nollan Wannguk wants to invite the king and queen of the Hyonjeohan Wangguk for a dinner because she wants to meet them.


While sitting on the sofa, I just think if the king and queen of the Hyonjeohan Wangguk want to meet up with us. I also want to meet them because i heard that the queen is very kind and pretty while the king is a very influencial people, that's why i'm interested with them. So i try to ask my king about that.

"Excuse me, can we talk?" i said to my husband.

"just wait for a while", King Lee Man said while reading a book.

"Ok, so what are we going to talk about huh?" The king asked.

"Uhmm... I just think if we can invite the king and queen of the Hyonjeohan Wangguk for a dinner meet up." i said.

I wish he will allow me to that.

I think the king is thinking if he will allow me to invite the king and queen of Hyonjeohan Wangguk. "Great!", The king responded. "Its a great idea." he added. "Go send them an invitation message, and let's schedule when and where we will held it ok."

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