Chapter 4 - Their meet up (Part 1)

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It wasn't a busy Sunday in Nollan Wangguk, only the maidens, cooks, knights were busy on their jobs. I think my family and I needs a trip or an exciting adventure to anywhere, the adventure that we've never tried before.

We just finished our breakfast then I go my daughters' room to see what their doing.


We, the girls were bored so we all went to our room to check something to do.

"Someone's knocking on the door unnie", Yuri said when we heard someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it!", Yoona said when she raised her hand then she head to the door to open it.

It's appa. (appa-dad/papa) What was he doing here? Its there anything wrong?

"Appa! Why are you here?", i asked.

"I just wanna visit and see what my girls are doing here.", Appa responded.

"oh ok!", i said happily and go back to my place to read books again.

"So, what are you doing ladies?", appa asked us but no one responded to him because we're all busy remember, so he asked again, "Uhmm... Girls?" appa said with high intonation.

We're all doing our own bussinesses. Taeyeon is drawing, Sunny is playing on her gadgets, Jessica is sleeping, Tiffany is playing with her dog, Hyoyeon is watching YouTube dance covers and steps, Sooyoung is eating ice cream & fruits in her own bed, Yuri and Yoona are playing Scrabble and I'm reading books.

"Hello? Girls, do you want some adventure or something new to do today?", Appa asked once again but this time, we didn't snobbed his question.

"What adventure appa?", Hyoyeon asked.

"Anything we want?", Sunny asked, taking off her eyes from her gadgets.

"Yes Sunny", appa nodded, "Anything you want", appa added.

"Ooohh... Sound fun! Let's go to Hong Kong Disney Land for a vacation trip", Hyoyeon said.

"Too far Hyo, Let's just eat on an EAT-ALL-YOU-CAN resraurant appa! I knew their foods are delicious there.", Sooyoung requested.

Unnie Sooyoung really, really loves to eat, same with us but not really.

"Let's go to the Hankuk Royal Amusement Park appa", i suggested. Even we're big enough for amusement parks, that amusement park is not only for kids but also for royal families, ladies and adults, it's for all but it's expensive.

"Ok, ok ladies we'll doing that all but one by one.", appa said and sitted beside me. "But for now, Let's go first to Hankuk Royal Amusement Park then we'll eat our lunch at Eat-All-You-Can restaurant", appa added.

"Yeahy! I'm already starving." Sooyoung said while holding and rubbing her stomach.

"But we just eaten our breakfast and you're already starving? Again?.", Taeyeon questioned.

"Uhuh... But you know I Love foods haha", Sooyoung said and we all chuckled.

"She's always starving for foods.", Tiffany said

Everybody were happy on what appa said. I should prepare my outfit for today. Oops... Unnie Sica is already awake.

"Ughh... What are you talking about girls?", Jessica said while rubbing her eye with her hand and still didn't know about what appa said to us.

"Hahaha!", Jessica caught our attention on what she had said then everyone laughed at her and she also laughed at herself but still didn't know what happened.

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