Chapter 8 - Secrets reveal

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QUEEN EUN SHIN'S POV (Queen of Nollan Wangguk)

I should keep my medical records in a safe place, so I decided to placed it on the top of my cabinet in our room, and it is covered with thick books. Nobody wants to read that books, so I think its safe there.

Before I open the door to come out, King Lee Man enters our room. I'm shocked.

"Your highness! What are you doing here?", i asked nervously and continously coughing.

I have a tuberculosis and i really hate it. The truth is, I'm dying. The doctor said that my days were counted because of TB.

"It's our room, i suppose to enter here, right?", he said as he enter the room and sit at the couch.

"A-ah ye-yes, of course.", i said to him as i cough, then I leave the room.


What happened to her?

Is she ok?

So, why I went here?, I mouthed. Then i remembered that i'll read my old and thick books. I'm searching for my books and i remember that i put it on the top of a cabinet. I search for it and I saw it!

I go and get the books. When I pull the thick books covered with dusts, a brown envelope fell to the floor. I pick it up. I wonder what's inside of the envelope, so i open it. It contains... Eun Shin's medical records? For what?, i think as i pull the papers slowly.

I read it and i'm shocked. I'm froze in my position in gasp. Eun Shin has a stage 4 Tuberculosis and she... She's dying. While I'm standing, a tear drop fall into the paper and I noticed that I'm crying.

Why she didn't say it to me? Why did she keep it? I need an explanation right now.

I find Eun Shin. She's in the girls' room, talking and having fun with the girls. I enter their room without knocking.

"Ehem. Girls, can i borrow your eomma for a minute?", i asked them.

"Aahh... No appa! Just join us.", Seohyun said chuckling.

"No maknae, this isn't the right time to have fun.", i said seriously.

"It's ok girls, i'll be back later.", Eun Shin said, then we go out from their room to talk.

She seems nervous, when she saw my very serious face that wants to tell something. She must be nervous on what did she do to us. She kept secrets.

We are at the hall way, where the girls wouldn't see and hear us. "What is this?", i said while holding her medical records with an expressionless face in front of her.

"Huh!", she gasped. "Where do you get that?", Eun Shin said while trying to get the papers from my hand but i didn't give it to her.

"How long did you keep this secret from us?!", i asked shouting. "How long Eun Shin!", i said angrily to her then tears run down trough her cheeks from her eyes.


I'm thirsty, so i planned to get some milk tea from the kitchen. When I'm walking, I hear Appa is shouting so i decided to hide behind the walls. I'm listening on what they are talking about. It's not my fault, I just accidentally hear it.

I heard that appa already knew eomma's secret. Uh Oh... I think this will have bad results. I also heard that eomma is... Is dying? because of tuberculosis?

I continue listening to them while someone scared me. "Boooh!", Seohyun came from behind and scared me. It made me hoot, but not really loud.

"You made me scared!", I said to Seohyun while facing her, but still hiding behind the walls.

Good to know, eomma and appa didn't notice us. Seohyun is chuckling, but I said to her to be quiet and just listen. We continue listening to eomma and appa. We peak behind the walls to see them.

"Why didn't you say it to us? You hide secrets, and now your dying because of your TB!", Appa said angrily while stepping closer to eomma. Eomma is still weeping, while tears run down to appa's cheeks.

As we listen to them, Seohyun and I are crying silently. The reasons are: eomma is dying and they're having an argument.

"Hyo unnie, can we stop them? They are quarreling, we must stop them.", Seohyun said then she stand up and tried to stop eomma and appa, but before she do it, I pull her back and we didn't do anything.

"No Seohyun.", I said to her as I wipe the tears using my hand.


Since we and appa already knew eomma's secret, I think unnies should also know about this. I said it first to Taengoo unnie, then she will just say it to the girls later.


I'm really shocked on what Seohyun said to me. In sorrow, I cried on Maknae's shoulder. I can't accept it. It's hard for me to announce it to the girls, but it's my responsibility.

We are all in our room. When I announce it to the girls, they are weeping in sorrow, and I said,"Don't be so O.A. girls! Eomma will not die now!"

"I know unnie, but she's dying right? You just said it.", Sunny said crying.

We're all worrying about eomma, so I decided to use her remaining days to make her happy before she leaves us.

"Hey girls! I have an idea! ", I said brightly. Then we form a circle, we talk about my plans for eomma, but we're just whispering.

"That's a good idea unnie!", Yuri said.

"Do you get it all?", I asked

"Ne!", they all say. We want to start it as soon as possible, so we planned it to begin tomorrow.



After 10 years, i already published this chapter. Mianhae for waiting very long readers.

Please continue supporting and spreading this book. Kamsahamnida!

I also wanna thank to all readers that are voting and adding this story to their reading lists, i really appreciate you.


~♡SeoLynn♡~ (^-^)

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