Chapter 21 - This is the day

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This is the day that we've been waiting for. We're all excited to have fun. We wake up early without making mom wake up too.

I texted Chen that our meeting place will be at Hankuk Yuwonji (Korea Amusement park).


To escape the palace, I need to say any reason to dad. Since, Suho wasn't here, I'll take in charge to be a spokesman or announcer.

We successfully escaped the palace. Chen drove the car. After several minutes, we already arrived and find the boys.

"Hyung!", I heard a familiar voice from behind. We look back to see who shouted.

"It's Kyung Soo!", Xiumin said happily.

"Bro! We really missed you all!", Lay and Baekhyun said placing their arms on Chanyeol's shoulder.

We spend all day to have fun. We also go to a hotel and rent a huge room for one day just for us. We have a fun party.


"This party is so fun guys!", I yelled while my hands are handling several foods. I'm at the dinning table with foods in front of me. All of those are mouth-watering foods. I'm so excited to taste it all.

"Ye... I see! Haha!", Lay said and all of them laugh too. Lay grabbed one of the food I'm handling, then he eat it immediately.

"Hey! That's mine!", I said narrowing my eyes and trying to get back my food because that's my favorite and it's the last one. All of us laugh continuously.


(Typing message....)


I smiled while at the balcony watching the beautiful sight of the city, then I go back inside with the boys.

After 40 minutes, I go back at the balcony. I faced on the right side and...

"Hi!", she said while on the other room's balcony beside me.

"Oh... Hi there! It's nice to see you.", I said smirked. She giggles.

"You wished it. That's why I'm here.", she said smiling.

"Ahw... So sweet. I'm getting jealous. I wish I also have a love life.", Yuri said smiling sweetly as she sprouted behind Fany.

Why she's here? I only wished Tiffany. Ugh.. Don't mind about that.



I wish you're here with me. It's Xiumin's fault, he doesn't want girls in our reunion today.
You can rent a hotel room right beside where our reunion is happening. I wanna see you tonight.

To: My girl ♥


I know all of you already knew who my girl is, so I didn't need to mention her anymore.


You have a message.

I opened the message appeared on my phone.

It's from SuhoChan (if you know what Chan means in Japanese)

Ok I'll try to grant your wish ; )



"Girls! Girls, let's go to rent a hotel room.", I immediately informed the girls to prepare.

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