Chapter 31 - You're busted!

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I'm in front of the mirror looking forward myself.

"What you doing? " Jessica asks

"Sunny-ah! Stop doing aegyo! You're doing too good!" Tiffany said.

Am I really cute?

I think I am...

"Is she sick or what?" Sooyoung said and Yoona laughed with her.

"Yah! Sunny!" Taeyeon patted her head.

"Ye???" I asked.

"Didn't you hear us unnie?" Seohyun asked.

"Looks like she's been dreaming while awake." Yoona said smiling sweetly.

"I wonder if it is a guy! " Yuri added. YoonYul's laughter filled the room.

Hey Cutie!




Those words keeps on echoing in my mind!

That Xiumin! Why did she say that?!

"Kyaaahh!!!" I screamed out of nowhere as I stamp my feet on the floor.

The girls give me a what's-your-problem-look with their eyebrow raised.

"Mwo?! It's just nothing. Don't mind me." I reasoned out and give them my sweetest smile.

"Girls! I will be out for a while to buy some stuff for myself. Do you want anything? I'll buy them for you?" Hyoyeon asked while preparing her bag.

"Oh! Ye! Ye! Eonnie! I want my favorite moist chocolate cake from my favorite bakery." Sooyoung said hugging Hyoyeon.

"Ok ok. You don't need to do that" Hyo said chuckling.

"I'm leaving now. Jalgayoooo!" Hyoyeon said lively.


Guess what?

I almost had 1000 photos of my Honeyhyo!

Me myself, i can't believe I'm doing this.

It stayed up all night to save those stuffs.

I even followed and stalked her Instagram account.

"watashiwahyo just shared a post"

(Photo on media corner)

"watashiwahyo on my way shopping !"

She's going shopping today...

What's the plan?

Should I follow her? Or I should follow her?

OK !! I'll follow her! ⌒﹏⌒

I wear my leather jacket, cap and finally get my motorbike head to the shopping mall where she's going.

"I'll get this.. And this... And that too. And also that!" Hyoyeon said with excitement. She seems happy today.

"Why did she buy many clothes for herself? It seems too much", I whispered while hiding behind the post outside the store.

"Why does she took so long?", I murmured and just look down the floor as I wait.

Few minutes ago, I didn't notice that she already finished shopping at the store so I immediately turn my back and act like I'm doing window shopping so that she don't recognize me and just continue to walk away the store.

"That's close!", I said in relief.

Where is she going this time?





I keep on following her like a stalker, but the right term for that is admirer. ADMIRER!

"Huh?! I'm here again?", I said as I noticed that she walked here again.

Where is she? Omo! I think I lose her!

"Aha!" There she is!

She entered to a store again. I immediately entered the store too.
I think that's a bad idea.

She sees me...


"Annyeonghaseyo! Do you need anything Sir?" The attendant asks me.

"U-hm.. Ah-yeh!" I'm stuttered and frozen in my position while she stares me.

I look around the store to see what they sell, but I only sees nail arts and nail polishes. I feel terrible right now. I keep hiding my face under my cap.

"Uhmm... I feel that m-my nails need t-treatment right now." I said and the attendant give me a seat.

Why this treatment took so long?!

Omo! My Honeyhyo already finished her treatment?! I need to go now!

"Excuse me but I need to go!" I said and left my seat.

"Sir your payment!" The attendant said.

"Here! Keep the change.", I just throw the money back and find her immediately.

I think I lose her again this time!

I run here, there, anywhere.

"There!" I saw her already. That's quite far! I'm on the second floor and she's on the first floor heading to the parking lot.

I ran towards the parking and saw her taking the left side.

I immediately turn left and...


Joeseonghaeyo it took a long time before updating a chapter again. Sorry it's a short update. :(


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