(CHAPTER 03). Living together?

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Hyunjin flew out from castle just because staying there alone felt so sick. He didn't wanted to looking for anyone to have blood as he wasn't feeling hungry at all. Just flied feeling the beauty of whole forest that covered with the night.

As he kept going forward, looking down at the forest below him, his sharp eyes caught a sudden figure. Some animal that hung on a tree??

Hyunjin didn't felt like wanting to have it . Yet he lowered Dow trying to take a clear picture of whatever who was there on the tree. That's when he saw what that is. It was a human. A human clinging on the branch. More like laying on it. Legs hanging down besides the branch and his back laying on it.

The moment he looked at that human's face, hyunjin felt a flicker passing his heart. It was the same boy. Same boy he met yesterday. Before thinking much, he saw the boy moving here and there and not a second after he started to slid off the tree and fall down.

Hyunjin didn't knew how he ended up catching the falling boy. It all happened in a flash. His body reacted so fast at falling human and was quick enough to grab the boy before hit the ground.
As he flew little by holding the boy, he opened up eyes and stared at hyunjin.
"Woow??" It's all jeongin said before releasing a huge scream realizing he's currently flying in other's hands.

"That's how they ended up on ground and jeongin falling right in to it as hyunjin didn't had anymore intention on holding a human in his hand.
However as hyunjin went near him, he couldn't control himself but ended up having the blood of younger.
Looks like we met again. You won't now escape from me. 'pray'!"
Hyunjin slowly murmured in deep as he felt like he's not gonna leave the boy behind. He didn't wanted adopt a human with him. But something told him to take the boy with him.
It won't be hurt to have someone in that huge house for the company?

Right then the boy collapsed on his hands.


The vampire went in to his mansion holding the unconscious boy in his hands. As soon as he entered the house he went right in to his room as usual. Suddenly he stopped by the door of his room and stared at the boy in his hands. 
Some thoughts kept running in his mind. Scowling he looked at the boy.
' where should I keep him?'
Why would I even keep him in my room??'

Then he entered the room that was next his and put the boy in to the bed that was placed in the middle of the room.
Halting for a second he looked at the boy , messaging his own temple. Sighing he turned back went directly back to his room.


Hyunjin was sunk in a sea of thoughts. He literally forgot about the new living being he brought dozing out.
Then as kept snoozing out, there was that unfamiliar noise suddenly kept coming from somewhere. Hyunjin confusingly shot up trying to realize what it is.
It was a familiar sound.
Like someone is crying!
Then he remembered he bought that 'someone' home.
Hyunjin suddenly went to the room by next door and found the boy lying on the bed shivering and hugging himself curled in to a ball. He was gasping and sobbing violently as he tried to curl himself more than he already is.

Hyunjin went there and stood confusingly looking at the human.
"What's happening? Is he dying?"
He couldn't realized how cold is the air of his mansion. Because hyunjin is already used to it. It was the usual climate for his house. Yet jeongin couldn't handle it.
He was freezing and his body was aching.

"What should I do?"
Hyunjin had no clue what to do with the boy. He bent down to younger  trying to wake him up as that was the best idea he could think at that time. He grabbed the shoulders of the boy and started to shake him a little .
"Hey.. hey you wake up. Are you dreaming..? What's wrong??"


"What the hell. Who cries in sleep..!!" Hyunjin scoffed finally feeling littl mad as there was no response to any of his words.
Without realizing hyunjin was already bent tooo down to check the boy, trying to wake him up.
Jeongin heard a deep  voice from far. He opened his eyes little to see a blurry vision. He wasn't in right mind to think or talk. The cold hit boy and he was shivering.
As he opened eyes, he saw someone's figure standing upon him. All younger needed was some warmth in this freezing room.

Suddenly Jeongin clinged in to hyunjin making him fall on the the top of younger.
Warmth.. it's all he needed
"You're warm" jeongin whispered.

Older's eyes went big. Then an annoyed and disgusted look came to face realizing what happened.
Hyunjin started to panic and tried get off from younger's body. But jeongin didn't want to loose the grip.
However, after a little struggle, hyunjin abled to get off from other boy feeling his mind covering with anger.
He never was used to have a such a contact with anyone. He was more like panicked when the boy tried to pulled him down.

"What the hell. How he trying touched a vampire. Not a touch, this thing hugged me !;!!"

Hyunjin madly turned around to walk away when he heard another small whisper
"Please don't leave. I'm cold........"

For a moment vampire halted at the words.
Then he started to stare at younger.
He looked so panthetic. Shivering. He was pale like snow. Lips were dried. Teeth clattering.

Then scowling he grabbed a thick blanket and covered the boy who's still shivering like hell. As hyunjin decided to leave the room, he paused again sighing. From the corner of his eyes, he looked at the boy who's laying there helplessly. After minutes of looking at younger, he left out a long breath.
Frowning, he waited to think for another second and went nearer to the bed again.
He lifted little boy in to his arms and carried him to hyunjin's own room . Then he put boy carefully in the bed and looked at him blankly.
" Alright. It's just for today.."

So he layed next to him and looked at the boy who's sleeping while still shivering a little.He went little closer to the boy and covered both from another blanket.

He silently gazed at the little boy who's now cuddled nearer to elder's warmth. He was settled under warm embrace of hyunjin. Boy sent his arms around hyunjin's waist tightly finding his source of warmth and went closer. His head was sink in elders chest.

Jeongin looked much comfortable as his shivering kept decreasing.
Hyunjin didn't realized how close the boy squished next to him. He just didn't protest and let the boy to be as he is.

Hyunjin just turned upwards and stared at the ceiling with a deep gaze.

He didn't knew whether he hate this or liked this. This was the first time he had someone's company with him after a long long long time.
He felt like he forgets how it feels like to be with a human.

Sighing the older boy closed his eyes trying to sleep with a little human clung in to him.

Am I going to live with someone after all these times again??

Am I going to live with someone after all these times again??

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