(CHAPTER 31). Tears

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Jeongin suddenly shot woke up.
Something is wrong.
He felt something is really wrong. But what was it??
Was it the nightmare he just saw.
The Dreamlands which was filled with glamorous sights of hyunjin in earlier, turned in to a dark view later in his mind. He saw some dark and bloody scenes which made him shiver. Jeongin felt so uneasy and scared.
And now he finally woke up.

What is this so bothersome feeling boiling inside of him.
Is everything alright?

Jeongin stuffed on bed for minutes. There was not a trace of sleepiness left in him.
Where's hyunjin?

The scenes from earlier flooded in to his mind making jeongin blush again.
I don't want to meet him.
But he felt something is wrong.

Finally jeongin collected all his self confidence to walk out of hyunjin's room, which he was sleeping earlier.

Bravo... And found the empty house. Well, not fully empty, cz jeongin was still there.

He did it all and ran away!?
By any chance He went to Minho's???


Jeongin huffed not knowing what to do??

Only one place pop up in brain for a help. Actually a one person !!

Jeongin end up going to Felix again.
The way to there was much scarier when he going alone. The boy got goosebumps. He remembered the way he once caught up by the old vampire on the way to there. And hyunjin came to rescue...
How comes he always appeared when I need a help.

Isn't him way too precious?!!
May be not!! He's cold to everyone else!
But for me...He's just too much for some normal human being like me.
I don't deserve him.

But why on the earth he kissed me? Yes. he did it in earlier times too. But there were reasons...(maybe!)
But today??? Just why!??

Jeongin was so fluttered.
He realized their not so platonic relationship had started to give him butterflies recently.
Maybe it's because of how enchanting hyunjin is..

He remembered the way hyunjin told he fell for Jeongin in that day in front of his house.
By any chance, does that words really had a meaning????

Stop hallucinating jeongin!!

He slapped himself and proceed to walk.
"I need to find him before everything. I wonder what kind of mess he already made!"

"Jeongin. You???"
Where's hyunjin.
Fuck. Nooooo.......

After his own quiz and answer contest, Felix let jeongin to realize that he arrived to his destination. Before even jeongin properly look at him, Felix ran near to sea of shining  lights on the land and peeked in there.

"My goddddd.They are gone !!"

Felix eyes travelled to jeongin from the dark spot he was watching earlier.
His trembling voice came out followed by row of sad sighs.

"Jeongin. Two lights were gone. Two lights were died!!
Yes. I saw it comming.
But for god's sake,what the heck I'm supposed to do??
I can't tell others about it
I'm sorry. I'm sooo sorry. But even I told about it, no one could stop anything..'

All jeongin could do was staring from his very curious eye.
Is Felix talking to an invisible person? What he's even telling??

"Felix! Is everything with you alright!!"

Felix paused.
His worry filled eyes were shouting something jeongin couldn't understand.

"Hyunjin... "

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