(CHAPTER 27). Holding the breath

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Hyunjin was stucked under something heavy on him. He was in a difficulty of breathing. Heart was beating faster. A huge fear covered his mind. He saw the blurred figure of jeongin fading from far away. Someone is dragging him away. Hyunjin tried to scream his name. But his voice is sunk and muted. Older started panicking.

Hyunjin shot opened his eyes.

Breathing heavily, he looked his surrounding.
The so called heavy weight was the jeongin who is currently lying on almost top of him.

Tsk. It was just a silly dream!!

Hyunjin sighed smirking to himself. Looking around again, he stopped at the sight of the younger.
'You looks to be in so peace on here huhh??'

He chuckled silently looking at how calming jeongin is sleeping on him. The boy is in a deep sleep hugging other one while half of his body lying on Hyunjin. Hyunjin silently observed the beautiful sight of younger. Breathing heavily. Eyes shot closed. Lips are in a thin line.

'He looks beautiful'
He smiled at the view.

Why I'm like this???

He paused.

Yet he kept staring at jeongin.

'get yourself together hyunjin. This is not what you should be doing'

Earlier when jeongin stopped him and say him to stay, yes hyunjin stayed. Though he stayed, hyunjin had made other plans in his mind.
Whatever younger said, he couldn't forgive minho.

He kidnapped the boy and dragged him away!! Hurt him!

Well... drinking blood is wrong too. But under full moon, he might be couldn't controlled himself.
He's a vampire after all.
Hyunjin understood it.
That's possible.
Even himself might be end up doing the same if he stayed with younger.

The burning anger from last night is now cooled down within hyunjin.
But if he let this pass, same could be repeat by time to time. So hyunjin wanted threat and scare the Minho guy, so he wouldn't be a threat for younger in the future.

It was nearly the morning. Sun still didn't came up. The heavy rain from the night has stopped. It's a bit chilly in the air.

Well.. jeongin must be feeling so cold. Hyunjin remembered how he complains about the cold environment in here every time. That must be why he's engulfed in to the warmth of older.

Hyunjin slowly and carefully parted from the boy. Jeongin mumbled something and wrapped himself again around the other one, from the side this time.

Hyunjin felt his heart racing due to the cute figure. Letting jeongin hug him from the waist, hyunjin lift his own upper body up, weighting his elbows. He peeked down from the up to take a better sight at younger's face.

'he's so pretty!'
He thought looking at the sharp features of the sleeping boy.
The eyes which ran around the younger's face and finally stopped at focusing on a certain place.
Jeongin's pinky lips was so annoyingly disturbed hyunjin's eyes, which is now sightly parted away. Hyunjin gulped. His heart started to race.
The boy felt a warm feeling comming up from his stomach.
He cluttered his teeth. Bit his lip.
But something is forcing him to lean down.

He remembered the taste of other's lips, which he tested accidentally few times before.

After a unknown second, without himself realizing, hyunjin started to bent down and down. He felt jeongin's warm breath hitting his face.

Hyunjin stopped.
He stopped when his own lips met it's destination.
He felt the feeling he wanted to felt.
Hyunjin didn't went to do much, because he didn't knew what to do if younger opened his eyes in this position.
Hyunjin slowly kissed the lips of other, slightly licking it. No kissing back.
Well.. it was a relief for hyunjin. It confirmed jeongin is still sleeping.
After a time hyunjin didn't knew how long, he lift himself up.
He felt his own heart trying to jump out from the chest. Blood was running along the veins in twice the speed it normally should be.

Hyunjin sit straight up and closed his eyes. Jeongin's hand's were no longer wrapping him. Somehow they were fell down to the bed.
After stayed eyes closed for few more seconds hyunjin let out a nervous laugh .With the minimum sound cz he didn't wanted to face a awaken jeongin now.

'What am I doing??'


'I must be crazy!!'

Hyunjin couldn't believe himself.
What he just did?
What you doing to me jeongin??

He silently get up the bed without looking at jeongin anymore and shot out of the door.

But if he looked at the little one one more time, with more care, he might have be able to spot out that jeongin is gripping on sheets breathing heavily. Checks tomato red.

When the plump lips of hyunjin started to move on him, jeongin gradually woke up. The boy felt something strange. He opened eyes to met the older's face inches away, lips joined.!!!
Younger's eyes went wide like a plate.

'what the fuck?!'

Hyunjin's eyes were closed and his one  hand was placed on his cheek, making his face stay still. He was weighting himself to other elbow that was placed near jeongin's head.

Jeongin hold his breath and closed his eyes.
what's he doing???

Younger boy felt his cheeks warming up and Heart started to beat up violently. It was beating fast to the point, jeongin was afraid that hyunjin's body would end up feeling it, as their bodies were pressing on each other now.

The lips kept dancing on his own lips. Butterflies were fighting inside Jeongin's stomach. Jeongin wanted to kiss back.
What will happen after them parted back from the kiss???
I'd end up dying from embarass!

When hyunjin's tounge brushed through his lips, a row of shivers passed through younger. He felt eyes teared up. Jeongin gripped on the sheet to avoid himself shaking so hard.

Woow. How you making his much impact on me???
What are you Hwang Hyunjin?

After a eternity hyunjin get up and sit facing back to younger.
Jeongin slightly opened his one eye to check. He took a deep breath in cz he was definitely lacking in air a moment ago. 
Jeongin was dramatically afraid, what if he ended up dying after staying holding his breath like this ..?

No if I died, reason would be hyunjin's lips!!

After a while hyunjin went out.
Jeongin opened his eyes.


He'd be lying if he said he wasn't enjoyed and enchanted by the incident happened moment ago!

And leaving the confused jeongin, hyunjin flew out the mansion.

He went searching for certain someone.


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