(CHAPTER 05). The Talk

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One thing about hyunjin was he disliked talking too much. On other hand this was the first time he talked this much after he stucked in this mansion. Because he didn't had anyone to talk!!
All he did was talking to himself and threatening to random creature he found in way to haunting..

The little boy was already felt like a nuisance to hyunjin and he just felt like wanting to remove jeongin away from his sight now. And then he have to explain the whole story to youger.
"Journey from grassy plain to hyunjin's mansion............!!"
And in a bright morning, Which he's supposed to sleep in calm...
So this was so tiring for hyunjin.

He used to live kinda peaceful life so far even though he was alone like hell.
With all the thoughts hyunjin's face turn in to a angrier expression bit by bit.

Watching the older's blank face turn in to a angry grin, jeongin felt more scarier than he already was.
Again he started to mumble
" Ah.. I... I didn't mean this as a odf house.. I just guess this was your home .. so I thought.....
Ah no... I didn't meant you're odd but you... I. I just.... Yesterday you..

"Can't you please shut your fucking mouth. Your voice already giving me a headache....!!!!!"

Hyunjin's loud scary voice cut down jeongin's words.
It was the first time older shouted loudly, made the little boy shiver..
The whole space went to a thick silent.

Creek creeek creeek....
Sound of a grass hopper from outside halted the silence, making jeongin jump up a bit
This time older broke the long silence.

"Ok . Now listen well. I don't want to talk this much. So I'm going to explain this short as much as I can... And don't you dare interpret in middle..!!"
Younger nodded.
"I found you yesterday in forest and took you here because you was unconscious. And you're now in my house. So you gonna live here and doors are open for you to go out now "
Then Hyunjin break his sentence.

With that messy start jeongin got ready to listen the "explanation" by older. Even jeongin's mind was already a mess with all these, he needed to listen other to sort it out

He murmured as he isn't allowed to 'interpret' to older.
This time hyunjin gave a surprised look.
"WHaT do You meaN by 'SO' ??"

JEONGIN: "your explanation???"

Hyunjin shot younger with a sharp eye gaze followed by a scoff.
"That was the EXPLANATION. That's how you ended up here.....
So now you can get out or get lost from my sight"

Hyunjin said clearly and deeply already feeling exhausted from all of these .

" Ohhhh.. so .." jeongin collect his words and started to talk in a low voice.
"Can you explain me how you came flying yesterday and what you did with my neck..? I reme......"

Then he suddenly ended his sentence as soon as he saw older's burning eyes.

Again a complete silent took over the whole place.

This time hyunjin broke the silence before some shitty grasshopper.
But his voice was scarier and sounded like kind of threat. And it was such a stern voice which could piercer through a body.

"I have no time to chat around with a lost fox whose tailing me around like a pet. I think I told enough for you to understand the situation. You better go back to that room I gave you before I cross my limit?"

Jeongin felt speechless.
' how comes someone is so shameless. Could he have some respect for me?'

Little boy was filled with so many questions inside him. But he felt so scared to ask them out.
He collected the last drops of strength he could have.
" But I remember you bit my neck at last.."
His trembling voice sucked up in to his mouth as hyunjin's eye strated to shot fire crackers out.
"I ... I. .. I'm . Going.. now"
It's all he able to put out like a murmur. So he turned back direct his foot to that room he supposed to go as older told.

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