(CHAPTER 04). Lost

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It was morning.
After a long time, hyunjin woke up in the morning. Yes he's a vampire. So as a vampire he sleeps in the day and wakes up in the mid night.
But as he decided to sleep with a 'pray' last night, he ended up waking in the morning.
He opened eyes to meet a little boy curled up under his arms. Unlike last night, now he seemed much more comfortable and peace.
For the first time he looked at the face of the boy. Even he had already seen it, he never cared about the boy's face or whatever special feature in it. All he saw was the boy had a face because he should have a one.
Now as he looked at the face closer the realized that younger is so handsome and have sharp features. His fox like face, sharp eyes nose mouth all together looked like a work of art.
As hyunjin kept stearing, jeongin started to move a bit and gradually open his eyes.

Even younger opened his eyes he didn't get a clear vision at first, as he's still waking. Then he suddenly realized he's cuddled in to someone's hold. Younger Boy suddenly panicked and get rid from hyunjin's arms, making jeongin fall in to the ground.

"Thud !!!!!!"

With the sound Hyunjin also came in to his senses. His 'stearing' turned back in to his usual cold gaze. Like a sudden ghost takeover him, he get up straight in to his tall figure and started to walk towards the door.
Jeongin is still on the ground, not being able to process what's happening. And again starting to suffer from the cold misty environment.

Jeongin shouted right before hyunjin step out of the room.
Older halted for a moment and turn back to shoot such a cold gaze at jeongin.
Woow. It made a shiver run through younger's spin.
Still he processed as he's now confused to the point he feels like he's going crazy..

"Can you please explain how the hell I'm with you and where I am??"

Hyunjin still kept his gaze at younger for few more seconds that felt like hours and proceed to walk away.
Now jeongin is confused,startled, surprised, frozen (from cold) and stucked.
"WHAT ???"

Even he didn't want to touch his feet on the cold ground(though laying on it is already worse), he stood up and wrapped himself tightly with the blanket that fell down from the bed earlier with him.

Then he ran to follow the older, as it seems to be the only thing that boy have to do now. He started to shout as he kept catching up older's pace. Hyunjin is now walking along the corridor that his room door is open to.
"Hello. Don't you have ears?? How could someone leave like that when another is talking???? Can't you hear me. Or you pretend you're not???"
"And where are we. Who are you???. Why we're together??? .... "

Hyunjin halted.
The courage of boy to scream surprised him. He wasn't like that yesterday. He was so scared of hyunjin and looked vulnerable. But now he was screaming lungs out at a stranger not even knowing where he is.

Hyunjin again turned back to younger.
He saw small boy standing near his back, covered with blankets. He looked like a little ball.

"You" As older opened up, jeongin stopped. Hyunjin continued, in his calm yet dark voice.
"Hey, you why you shouting and following after me?"

Hyunjin put one step forward. Jeongin is frozen on the spot. Hyunjin's voice always had made him shiver. It was a dark rough stern voice, without no humor..

Another step. And other.

Now hyunjin is right front of jeongin, one more step will make them bump into each other. Hyunjin lowered his head to younger's face.

"Do you even know where are you...??."
A race of annoyance went through older's face for a second.

"Stop acting like you owning the place. And you're not allowed to scream in a unknown household"
Hyunjin mumbled in a lazy voice, more like a whisper.
" For your more information, this is my house!"

Jeongin felt stucked. He looked down as it's hard to bear hyunjin eye glaring at him.

"No.. I.. just I.. . Hmm. Yes. I'm confused. All I remember is I escaped my house and now I'm here with you...., youu someone who I never knew... Sorry but... I.. I mean you.. who are you??..??"
Jeongin mumbled to the ground.
No older gave surprised smirk.

"Ohh.. you don't know me??"
" Don't you remember the last night?"
Jeongin's eyes grew bigger at hyunjin's words.

" Wait what....?????
What's with last night..?? "
You.. you I mean Mee remember.. what??"
"You took me here...?"

Hyunjin's face again went confused as he realized the boy didn't seemed to remember any of it.  He just kept glaring at the boy not knowing whether should he talk about it or not "

Then he spoke up.
"You sure??. Don't you remember anything about last night or one before it??. You don't remember me???"

Jeongin paused for a moment. He scanned the whole face of him. More he looked at hyunjin, more the face looked familiar.
He examined the handsome face sharp eyes, that gaze. Jeongin's eyes grew more bigger.
Yes ..... this is him...  The one who came to me last night...
one who flied to me from the sky at that dark forest........ Wait whattt??

And that sharp pain he felt at his neck....

Jeongin's hand suddenly ran to his neck. He felt a little scar at side of it.
Yes he feels the same pain still. The busy morning didn't let him to figure it out the pain at neck.

As soon as younger touched his neck, hyunjin's gaze loosened in to a smirk. Jeongin stepped one step back.

Jeongin stucked,, still shocked from memory he recollect.
"What you did to me???
What's with you and this odd house ???

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