(CHAPTER 02). Met you again

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Hyunjin, a vampire left the boy laying on the grass as he got a satisfying meal for the day. But what confused him was the figure of that boy which kept flashing in his mind.

Yes he's just a prey I met. Nothing more..

He shrugged off as he continued to flying in the dark cold breeze  to the night sky. Hyunjin flew  right away directly to his living place.

Though it was a huge palace like mansion located inside a hidden forest, no human ever able to came there. The forest was filled with misty creatures and it itself was invisible to humans. So never ever there wasn't a single trace of human.

The vampire directly entered to his mansion through the huge door which was locked away and rarely opened for . He didn't needed to open his door for enter as he used to just flying in from a window.
His living place was as cold and plain as his eyes. The freezing cold covered whole place in every inch. As the only thing he did in there was resting, more like just sleeping or read some old book, the place was so neat and tidy.
It was such a huge place for just one person. There was a huge living room, so many bed rooms, bathrooms and many more.
But only one living being.

He lived alone. A lonely life for about hundred years. After the day he stucked in time, he stopped ageing. He was 23 when that happened. Yes even now hundred years passed, he's stucked in his 23s as a vampire.
Lonely boy had a cold and timid self. He was so scary that even a ant won't enter there.
Living a lonely life for hundred years made him more like to a statue. No emotions, feelings..
All he did was finding a prey , feed himself, locked in his mansion and just living the life he had.
As soon as he entered his room, he layed down in his king sized bed.
For some reason he couldn't forget that face of his 'pray'. That look in his eyes.
"what's with him?"
"why keep appearing in my thoughts"
Sihjing, he let go his thoughts, closed his eyes as it was already dawn.
Sun rays will come up soon.


Yes sun rose, covering everything in the plain . Unconscious boy still layed on the ground covered with grasses. Time passed and it was middle of the noon. Everywhere now dried up due to strong sunlight.
The boy too. His wet clothes were completely dried up stained with mud.
With the burning heat on his face, the boy started to move a bit. Jeongin slowly opened his eyes to meet the shining sun above.
He couldn't opened his eyes to the bright  light in environment.
He stayed laying for minutes to understand what's happening.
"I'm not on my bed. waitt . Am I on grass?"
"Right. I escaped. I escaped from that hell. Did I slept on the plain??"
"Yes . Maybe"

Yet he felt like something else is missing. 

"Did anything else happened??"
Aaahhhh. Shittt . I don't remember."
"What time is it. It looks like noon. THey won't won't come out finding me. They don't even care. But somehow if they find me, I'm going to be in a big trouble. They'll kill me.
I should go more further."
He continued to travel further though he was so exhausted and felt weak. He travelled more and more until the sun is gone. As dark started to cover the nature, he was near to a huge forest.

"This is enough far. Now they won't find me even by a accident. They won't come this far even for haunting. I can't sleep on grass like yesterday. My body was sour after that. I should climb on to a tree. In case this is a forest. Any beast could come out anytime."
He  thought as a huge branched tree came to the sight. Jeongin climbed up and placed himself in a comfortable position that will help him at least for not fall while sleeping. 

He tried to relax there despit the uncomfortable feeling from tree when he felt a slight pain at neck. "Ahhhh. What's this???" As he touch his neck, he felt some scar there. "Did some insect bit me last night??. Yes it could be possible. I slept on the grass."
But he got a weird feeling he didn't understood.
Jeongin closed eyes, hoping to have some rest.

After few hours boy was sleeping jeongin realized that he's standing in a grassy plain. There was a tall handsome male  holding him. Then outof nowhere ,he bit his neck and sucked blood out. Jeongin gasps as he felt the male suddenly pushed him to the ground.
As he's falling down, he suddenly shot opened eyes and woke up from the nightmare.
All he realized in a second was he's falling the down the tree from the sleep, AS HE EXPECTED.
Jeongin closed eyes to meet the impact of hitting the ground. But he didn't felt it. Instead he felt like he's floating.


 Boy opened his eyes to meet a beautiful face staring at his eyes, holding him in hands. 

"Wooow!! "
It's all came out from jeongin's mouth as he saw the face of that male.
Then he realized it.
He's flying!!!!!!
Sudden scream came out from boy's mouth as soon as he realized what's happening. The handsome male holding him and he's FLYING!!!!
Hyunjin seemed to be shocked from younger's  sudden scream. Yet he held the boy and landed to ground. Then dropped him. "Thug"
Jeongin is shocked and stayed still processing what happened. Then as he trying to take whatever happened, he looked up to the male. He was glaring at jeongin, with a blank handsome face.

As jeongin looked at boy he felt him familiar. "Wait!!! Am I know him. I feel like I've saw him before..." 

Jeongin was speechless and didn't knew what to do as other one continued to keep that gaze on him which picered in to him.

"can i know who are you" at last jeongin mumbled as he couldn't bear that deathly silence more.

Yet the male told nothing, just stepped towards younger. Step by step jeongin went silent and his face turn in to fear. His mind went blank. 'what could him be? in a forest? flying?'
Hyunjin stopped when he came right above to younger who's still sitting on the ground, now with a  much of a scared face.

Hyunjin spoke in a deep tone, which possibly sent shivers in younger.
"do you remember me?" it's all he asked looking deeper in to the eyes of the boy who was on the ground.

"huhhhh?" jeongin stuttered thinking how in the world he would be knowing some flying human in a forest. 'what he even asking??'  He tried to remind whether is this some sort of creature that comes in fairy tales. So he can assume that he's probably having a nasty nightmare again.
All of his thoughts clashed down when the male started to bend down looking in to his face. Making jeongin to bend backwards.
Hyunjin sat besides the boy who's already bending backward as much as he can trying to defend himself from whatever the male going to do. 
But all of his soul frozes when he saw the male leaning forward focusing on his face. Hyunjin halt for a second when his face was close nearer to younger who's already pale and shaking out little.
Jeongin is frozen again. He's feeling fear, mind is blank. He couldn't think of anything.
Hyunjin came closer and closer to face locking his eyes with younger. Jeongin felt his warm breath at face. Elder's hands started to wrap around younger's neck.
Suddenly the eyes of male started to break the gaze . His eyes kept slowly running down along jeongin's face to his neck , pointin that exact same place which had the bite marks from yesterday.
One more time he again looked at jeongin's eyes then started to lick the old scars in his neck by last night.
Jeongin couldn't do anything. He didn't even got what's happening. As he felt a sudden pain, some familiar one, he remebered like he had felt before , jeongin started to regain  some cloudy memories of last night.

He felt like same thin happened yesterday. He experienced same. The same way some one held him and went to his neck. The same pain...

As hyunjin start to move apart from jeongin, yet still holding him, hyunjin saw younger's eyes already grew big looking at him.

Hyunjin realized that boy might memorised the last night. His cold tone came out again.
"Looks like we met again. You won't now escape from me. 'pray'!"


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