Chapter 4 Ghost Force

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While Yuya and the others are dealing with Sawatari, Yuni rushes towards the courtyard and finds Vivian sitting at the nearby tree. Yuni smiles and says, "There you are."

Vivian is surprised to see Yuni and she says, "Yuni? How do you know I am here?"

"I know you like to find quiet places so you can read your father's ghost stories." Yuni says with a smile. "About the offer?"

"I'm still thinking about it." Vivian sighs, she wants to get out of the orphanage as soon as possible, but she feels like she can't just bother Yuni and her family like this all the time.

"Well then, how about going to my house? Maybe you'll like it." Yuni grabs her hand and drags her on the road.

"Hey, wait!" Vivian yells, but Yuni doesn't listen.

As they arrive at the Sakaki residence, Vivian says, "Geez, you could just let me walk by myself, I hate being dragged by others."

Yuni rubs her head and says, "Sorry. I'm a little excited."

As they head inside the house, they are greeted by Sakaki Yoko, who was feeding the pets. Yuni greets her mother and introduces her to the girl in front of her.

"So she is the girl you are talking about. The one who likes to read Ghost stories, right?" Yoko says.

"Yes, Mom." Yuni says as she turns to Vivian. "Vivian, this is my mother."

Vivian is shocked and asks, "That is your mom? She looks so young, I thought she is your sister."

Yoko is happy to hear this, she says, "Oh my, what a nice child."

Yuni says, "Mom, Vivian is an orphan, and she often gets bullied in the orphanage just because she is not afraid of ghosts. Her father is also Dad's best friend, and Dad promised her father that our family will adopt her when she gets older."

Yoko says, "I see, that is considerate of you. However, we can't force her to let her become a member of our family, she has to decide this on her own."

Vivian then says, "Well, since you and Yuya are my first friends... And you help me with my first deck..."

Vivian looks down for a second, and then she raises her head and says, "I can tell that both of you really treat me like a family member should do, so I guess I have no objections to your kindness."

"That is great!" Yuni and Yoko say in union.

As they spend the whole afternoon applying for adoption papers and then moving her stuff to the house. It didn't take too long, so they decide to go to You Show Duel School to find Yuya instead of waiting for him to come back home.

Yuni asks, "So Vivian, have you dueled before?"

Vivian says, "Except for the times I dueled with you, no. I was thinking about joining a Duel School, but I don't have the money since I was an orphan."

"Then you don't need to worry about it." Yuni says as they arrive at You Show Duel School. "This is the Duel School that Dad created, since you're a member of the family, I'll enroll you in here so that you can get a lot of advantages as a Duelist."

"That's awesome. I always want to try out the Action Duels, you know, I could only watch them on television." Vivian smiles.

As they head inside, they see Shuzo at the desk. "Hey, Yuni." When he sees Vivian, he quickly rushes to her. "Do you want to join our school?"

Vivian feels a little uncomfortable until Ryu comes and pulls his ear.

"Stop being so rude to others, Dad!" Ryu yells at him.

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