Chapter 7 Xyz Arrival

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A few days later, Yuni is still sleeping in the morning, until she hears the alarm clock and a robotic voice. "Yuni-Sama! You have to wake up!"

Yuni groans and then awakes, she jumps off the bed and looks at the robot. " is don't need to wake me up so early." Yuni complains.

"You have already slept 10 minutes more than yesterday." Orbital says.

Astral comes and says, "It seems you can't sleep again..."

Yuni glares at Astral and says, "Shut up."

Rumi comes out and says, 'What is the fuss, Yuni?"

"Oh, Rumi, sorry for waking you up." Yuni says.

"No, it is fine. I couldn't sleep much since I have to protect others." Rumi says.

"Oh, by the way, Rumi, this is Astral, he is our friend and he is the owner of the first Xyz monsters in existence, Numbers." Yuni says. "And this is Orbital, he is a robot which brother and I made."

"I see. It is nice to meet you." Rumi says.

"It is fine." Astral says.

Rumi asks, "So you and Yuya are siblings? Pretty weird if you ask me."

"Even though he may be clumsy sometimes, I am glad to have a brother like him." Yuni says as she dresses up and then heads downstairs. Only to find Yuya is complaining about Sora being in the house again.

"Sora, you come to eat breakfast again, huh?" Yuni says with a sigh.

"Ah, good morning, Yuni." Sora says.

"You, too." Yuni replies. "And good morning, Brother."

"You, too. Yuni." Yuya says.

Rumi appears and says, "What the hell, did you see that uniform, Yuni? He is from Academia! He must be a Fusion Spy!"

Yuni says, "I know, and I guess he is just here for a lookout. My assumption is that after a few days, he will go back and report to the Professor about what is going on here, and then this place is going to be a battlefield... However, we are not going to let that happen."

Rumi is now curious and she says, "What is your plan?"

Yuni says, "It is still a secret for now, but everything will be revealed later. If you want to know what is the result of those Academia members, then let's say that they will regret coming to this dimension."

Rumi is shocked at Yuni's words, but she has to trust Yuni with the plan.

Vivian also comes and joins the breakfast, Yoko asks, "So Yuya, Yuni. What are you going to do today?"

Yuya says, "We're heading to You Show, Vivian still needs more practice with the Action Duels."

Sora asks with excitement, "Can I have a duel with you? I want to see your deck as well!"

Vivian shrugs, "I don't see why not."

While Yuya and the others are at You Show, the two brown-haired siblings that were inside the warehouse are currently walking on the street, the girl says, "This place is quite peaceful."

"I agree, Jean. But I still think Heartland is better, before it becomes a war zone..." The boy says in anger.

"I know how you feel, Ron. But we need to find a way to get Akaba Reiji, we need him in order to stop the war." Jean says as she feels her brother's anger.

Just then, they see a poster on the wall, it has Sakaki Yusho and a school inside.

"Hey, it is Teacher Yusho..." Jean says in surprise.

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