Chapter 15 Phantom vs. Angels

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Yuzu and Vivian are having lunch in the schoolyard, Vivian is asked by Yuni and Yuya to tell the news to Yuzu, and she nods as she has heard everything. Yuzu asks, "So Yuya and Yuni didn't come to the school because of LDS?"

Vivian says, "Yeah, due to Professor Marco is still missing, they are having a full-scale investigation, Reiji has asked the Principal to let them have a day off with the status as the President. Besides, it is the end of the semester, too."

She opens the lunchbox and says, "Ever since I moved into Yuya's family, I'm glad to have lunch boxes like this one. I'm really starving."

Then she starts to gobble the food and says, "And I'm going to also become a pro just like Brother and sister, I am not going to lose to them."

"Hey, don't talk with your mouth full." Yuzu sighs, just then, a hand offers Yuzu a handkerchief. She looks up to see Sawatari Shingo, who says, "Hey there."

Yuzu looks away in disgust while Sawatari says, "Sheesh, you're so uncouth in front of your friend. Just like your brother's dueling."

"Dirty?" Vivian asks with annoyance. "My eating habits aside, since I lived in an orphanage and I didn't get enough food, but what do you mean my brother's dueling is dirty?"

"I heard him ambush someone again." Sawatari says.

"That wasn't Yuya, though!" Yuzu says. "We know an LDS teacher is attacked by a man who used Xyz Summon, but Yuya is the Vice President and he wouldn't attack his subordinate."

"I was kidding about him being the culprit this time, he is the Vice President of LDS after all." Sawatari says. "There are rumors that Leo Cooperation is independently developing Pendulum Cards. I'm going to get my hands on those."

Yuzu says, "That is if Yuya and Yuni want to give you since you have caused them a lot of trouble."

"Oh, don't worry, I am now under training with that Sakaki Yuni, and I am going to master it until I can finally defeat that Sakaki Yuya. That's all I'm here to say, see you. I'll be waiting at the Junior Youth Championship."

Sawatari then leaves, as Vivian says, "What a headache, first that Hokuto and now that Sawatari, why is Sister teaching them while all they do is boasting?"

"Beats me..." Yuzu says. "But that reminds me, Vivian, you still haven't reached the 60% win rate, right?"

Vivian lowers her head with a frown, "Yeah...I couldn't become a pro at this rate..."

After school is over, the three kids are waiting for them. Ayu says, "Big sister Yuzu, big sister Vivian!"

Futoshi asks, "Have fun at school?"

"Let's hurry up and go to Duel Sch-" Just then, they notice Vivian in a gloomy state. "What's wrong, Big sister Vivian?"

After telling them the situation, everyone is surprised that Vivian isn't qualified for the Junior Youth Championship. Vivian says, "In order to qualify, you need to have at least 50 matches with a 60% win rate..."

"What's your current record?" Ayu asks, "I heard that you just started dueling ever since you were adopted by Big Brother Yuya's family."

"I only got 49 matches with 29 wins..." Vivian says.

"So that's...29/49= 59%. But you just need one more win, right?" Tatsuya asks.

"Wow, Tatsuya, you're fast at math." Futoshi comments.

"If you win one more duel, you can have a 60% win ratio, right?"

"That's right." Yuzu says, "Vivian has been dueling our classmates since two weeks ago, however, today we searched around the school for the last one..."

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