Chapter 37 Stealth Warriors

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Once Yuya and Yuni arrive at the LDS control room at Reiji's request, Kurosaki Shun, who was already there, rushes to them and grabs Yuya by his shirt.

"You, what have you done to Yuto? And why do you have Dark Rebellion?" Shun snarls at him. "If something has happened to him, I'll-"

Yuni changes into Rumi and slaps him on the shoulder, she says, "Shun! Stop it!"

"Rumi?" Shun is surprised at the sudden change, and she says, "Yuto is fine, Yuya saved him just like how Yuni saved me. Yuto is inside Yuya and as long as he is recovered, Yuya will definitely release him."

Shun loses his grasp on Yuya as he falls to the ground, Yuya mutters, "Thanks, Rumi..."

"Then tell me what happened to that Pawn of Fusion, how dare he beat Yuto up like that to make Sakaki Yuya absorb him?" Shun says.

"Everything is just a misunderstanding, just because his name is close to Fusion doesn't mean he is a pawn of Fusion." Yuni says.

"No matter what the reason is, I'll have you refrain from actions that would impede the progression of the tournament. Don't forget why I'm holding this tournament and what I will be using it for." Reiji says.

Shun stares at them before leaving, and Yuya says, "Just in case, we should put Kurosaki under surveillance."

Nakajima nods as he goes to do it, and then they notice the screen. "Pardon the abruptness, but we have a change of schedule! Regarding the upcoming third match...Due to the absence of LDS' Shijima Hokuto, You Show Duel School's Sakaki Vivian wins by default!"

"What?" Yuya and Yuni gasp in shock as they turn to the screen. Then a staff member comes and says, "President and Vice-Presidents! About 3 hours ago, we detected powerful summoning energy within Miami City."

"What method was it?" Yuni asks.

"Fusion. We've found the cameras that detected the energy as well." Then they show footage of Hokuto being carded by a cloaked person with the Academia Duel Disk. Reiji says, "Rewind it right now."

As they rewind the footage, they find that the cloaked figure has the same face as Yuzu. Yuni gasps, "That's...Yuzu's face!"

"Yuzu was with us three hours ago...Ruri and Rin are still inside her...that means..." Yuya gasps.

While it is Yuzu's turn to duel the next day, Vivian is still sitting on her seat frustrated. "How dare Hokuto doesn't show up? Don't tell me he ran away!"

Katrina says, "I know how you are feeling, but we don't know where he went..."

Yuzu says, "Don't worry, Vivian, since it is my turn, I'll make all of you smile."

Just then, Katrina gets a call from Yuni. "It's from sister."

As she answers the call, Yuni says, "Katrina. We have an urgent situation. Come to the parking lot now."

Katrina asks, "Do I really have to? It's Yuzu's turn to duel, and she promises to make us smile with her dueling."

Yuni sighs and says, "I know, I want to watch Yuzu's Duel as well. But we have detected 4 members from Academia inside Miami City. They have carded Hokuto because he was thought of as an Xyz Dimension Duelist like Ron and Jean."

"You can't be serious right now!" Katrina exclaims, and this causes the others to look at her in confusion.

"I'm serious. Brother is now monitoring the Duel while Reiji and I were already at the parking lot trying to engage them. Come alone and tell others that I call you for urgent matters. We don't want anything to stop the tournament from going on."

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