Chapter 9 Bad Business

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After the class is over, Yuzu gets permission to have a sleepover at Yuya's house. Katrina is the nervous one compared to others, as it is been a long time since she comes back to her house. But with others assuring them, Katrina feels a little calm as they head to the residence.

"Mom." Yuya calls out from the doorway while taking off their shoes, "We are home."

Yoko comes and greets them. "Welcome back, child-" But she stops as she looks at Katrina, as a mother, she couldn't have forgotten her daughter's face. Katrina notices her surprised expression, and she lowers her head and says, "Hi, Mom."

Yoko then hugs her with tears forming in her eyes. "Katrina, please tell me it is you."

Katrina smiles at her, "It is me, Mom. I'm back home..."

Yoko says with slight anger, "Seven years... you finally come back...don't you know how much we have missed you?"

Katrina frowns, "I know. I am sorry for leaving without your knowledge."

Yoko breaks the hug and says, "You are back, that is what matters."

Then she notices Yuzu. "Ah, Yuzu, you are here for a sleepover again?"

"Yes. Aunt Yoko. Sorry to disturb you time after time." Yuzu bows.

"No, it is fine. You're always welcome to stay at our house." Yoko says with a smile.

As they all head upstairs, Katrina returns to her room. Everything in her room seems nostalgic, and she can't believe that they have kept it for seven years without changing everything. Katrina says, "It has been a while since I slept here..."

"Yeah, we always clean it up so that you can have a comfortable room." Yuni says. "We also accumulate some Blood Bags in the closet, so if you're hungry, you could just have them."

"Thanks, I would need that." Katrina says while taking one to drink. "I really miss the taste."

Yuya says, "Now that it is done...I think we need to know about what actually happened when we got to that warehouse."

Jean asks, "Can we join the conversation? We're also curious about that as well."

Yuni says, "Well, why not?"

As they all head to Yuya's room. Yuya says, "So Yuzu, can you tell us about what happened back then?"

"The truth is, when we brought the ice cream, we accidentally heard Sawatari planning to take your cards again..." Yuzu says. "I thought that I couldn't always rely on you to stop them, so Vivian and I want to stop them on our own. But before we can do it...a masked figure comes into the warehouse and duels him instead."

"He uses the trick that is just like what I did yesterday, and we can also feel the coldness from Sawatari's monster even though we weren't in an Action Field." Vivian says.

"Really? I mean, how is that possible? If we're in the Action Field, monsters and their effects are usually transparent to all of us." Yuni says.

Katrina, Ron, and Jean didn't know the whole thing, and they gulp as if they might have exposed themselves because of this truth.

"After that, he summons an Xyz Monster that is much like your dragon, Yuya." Yuzu says. "He uses it to defeat Sawatari, and after the duel is over, he took off his mask, and we saw your face."

"My face?" Yuya asks. "Had he said anything else?"

"Well, come to think of it, he asks Sawatari what is LDS' association of Academia." Vivian replies. "And he doesn't seem to know anything."

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