Chapter 20 Beyond Belief

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After the events of the duel against the three Kurosaki Siblings, Reisho, Reiji, Yuni, Yuya, Yuzu, and Katrina are back at the office in LDS. Yuni turns to their childhood friend and asks, "So Reisho, why are you here? What is the situation of Academia?"

Reisho says, "Father is frustrated that he couldn't locate where Ruri and Rin have gone to, due to the fact that they just disappeared out of thin air. And because of it, he decides to search for those two as a priority, so Yuzu, right now you are safe but who knows when it will last."

Yuzu sighs in relief, Reiji then turns to the two females and asks, "So does that mean you two dueled the culprit?"

Yuni says, "Not exactly. Ruri and Rumi did duel their brother, due to the fact that their duel disks are able to do real damage outside the Action Fields, let's say that the warehouse they dueled in was completely destroyed."

Katrina says, "Not to mention, Rumi's monsters are known to be big, compared to the dragons that my sister owned, they are in another degree."

Reiji says, "With the money we have, we can fix the warehouse with no time. But just by looking at the destruction, we really need to take more action about this Kurosaki Shun. Are the siblings awake yet?"

"No, they are still unconscious." Yuzu says.

Reisho says, "Well, the first thing to do is to make him join the Lancers no matter what. And since most of the Xyz Duelists that came here know Ruri and Rumi, I guess they can help us protect them."

Yuya says, "Right. Reiji, how are Professor Marco and Tio, are they awake?"

Reiji says, "He and Tio are still unconscious, unlike the 3 Top Team members that you just rescued, they have been in the card for a long time. As your request, we aren't going to let anyone enter the wards."

Yuzu says, "I see, though I think that Masumi will want to see him no matter what..."

Yuni says, "But Reisho, does your father get suspicious when you come to this dimension?"

Reisho says, "I didn't tell him about anything, since I also had a lab in Academia, so I just lied that I was inside the lab all alone doing some experiments with Duel Monsters. And he didn't even find out since I always locked the door."

Reiji nods and says, "I see..." He looks outside Miami City and says, "Whenever we do, we need to prepare for the invasion. No matter where the participants come from."

After the duel with Eita, Jean finally arrives in an Alleyway and finds Ron and Yuto. Ron asks, "Let me guess, you won?"

"For some reason, the Duel I had feels different." Jean says. "It reminds me of the times we're dueling back before Academia's invasion. Duels are supposed to be communication tools."

"I see." Yuto says as they turn to find Shun slowly waking up. Yuto holds Shun and says, "Shun, are you feeling better now?"

Shun holds his head with a little agony, he mutters, "What happened...The last thing I remember is that I was dueling..."

Suddenly, he widens his eyes as he starts to remember how he made Ruri unconscious with his Satelite Falcon and how Rumi managed to defeat him in the duel. He says, "Ruri and Rumi! Where are they? Tell me now!"

Yuto knows that he deeply cares for his two sisters, but he knows that now it isn't the time, "Calm down, Shun, your body isn't recovered."

Shun gives them a glare and says, "I don't care. I finally found them and I am not going to let them be taken away again!"

Ron says, "Ruri and Rumi are fine, Katrina was taking care of them right now."

Shun is relieved to know that Katrina is helping them, but then he realizes something, "Hold on a second, you guys know that they were here and you didn't tell me?"

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