Chapter 17 Menu Venue

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Vivian yawns as she walks downstairs, she also notices the pets and says, "En, Core, Watt, Kilo. Good morning." Then two more cats appear in front of them and she is confused, "There are two more of you, huh?"

After getting to the dining room, she finds Sora sitting on the table as he says, "Ah, Vivian, good morning!"

"Geez, you've really made yourself at home, haven't you?" Vivian asks.

"Well, it's fine since we're friends, right?" Sora asks. "Good luck with your upcoming match today. I'm working hard to enter the same tournament as you and Yuya."

"So you're going to be doing your qualification Duels today too?" Vivian asks.

"Yeah. I only need to win six matches in a row, so it'll be a cinch!" Sora replies.

"By the way, where are Brother and sisters?" Vivian asks, and Sora says, "They've already finished their breakfast and they already left."

"Speaking of breakfast, is my breakfast ready?" Vivian yells at her mother, who says, "Just wait a bit more. I'm working on making Mille-Feuille Tonkatsu with a Special Salad right now."

"But what about the usual pancakes? I mean, they are also delicious and it doesn't need to take so much work." Vivian asks.

"Your siblings just finished the last pancakes, I would have to buy them today. Besides, I've already got Michio's popular recipe open right now!" Yoko replies.

Vivian groans as she looks at the time, "How much is it going to take?"

"Just be patient and wait, I'm sure it won't take too long." Yoko says.

"But my Duel is already starting...forget about it." Vivian says as she leaves the house, hoping that she's not going to miss her fiftieth match.

But just as she's walking on the road, she mutters, "Now I didn't get any breakfast at all because I had to rush out..."

Then she smells something delicious as she decides to follow the source, which leads to Cuisine Duel School. Vivian says, "Looks like I've made it."

"I've been waiting for you, Vivian-chan!" Vivian is surprised to see Nico Smiley. "Now, come on inside."

"Wait, are you trying to take me to the gas chambers?" Before Vivian can continue, Nico Smiley is already pushing her inside. By looking at how many people are cooking and the recipes, Vivian can't help but remember she didn't eat anything. She also notices a banner reading "Mitchie-love."

"Let me introduce today's opponent...Nicknamed Mitchie, it's Mokota Michio-kun!" Nico Smiley announces, and Vivian notices the opponent in front of her. Michio says, "You must be Sakaki Yuni's sister, Sakaki Vivian, right?"

"Yeah." Vivian says.

"Michio-kun is a young chef whose self-made recipes are very popular among housewives everywhere!" Nico says to Vivian, who doesn't seem that energetic.

Michio notices Vivian and says, "You seem to be pretty hungry yourself."

"Sorry about that, I missed breakfast today. On top of that, all the food everyone is cooking here smells so good." Vivian says.

"Then I'll fill that hungry stomach of yours using my perfect recipe and my Cooking Duel!" Michio says.

A voice yells, "Principal Kirigakure!"

Vivian turns to find a woman arguing with the school principal, who is a man wearing a golden toque. She says, "What's the meaning of this? Michio-chan has already qualified for the Junior Youth Championship! Why are you still having him play in official matches?"

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