Chapter 44 Battle Fronts

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"Satoshi!" Serena calls as they meet again at the Ancient Ruins area, Satoshi looks surprised and says, "Yuzu- no, Serena, right? Jeez, that outfit almost fooled me."

Serena says, "I know, I met Yuzu and we decided to change clothes so she can distract the Obelisk Force."

Satoshi says, "I see. Now that you're safe, we'll go back to the Jungle Area to find Yuni and the others."

But before they going to leave, they hear Sora's voice, "This is the end! I attack Force Strix with Death Toy Scissor Tiger! Send Kurosaki, this Xyz remnant to his grave!"

And much to their surprise, they see Kurosaki Shun flying beside him and falling down the temple steps until reaching the ground. (Shun:2100-0)

"What the..." Satoshi says as the two of them rush towards Kurosaki Shun. Sora also walks out of the temple with satisfaction, "It looks like I've won this time!"

Serena reaches Shun and she attempts to help him up, but Shun groans in agony and clutches his ribs.

Satoshi says, "Wow, those injuries are horrible..."

Sora notices Satoshi and he gasps, "Satoshi? Is that you? You've also come to this Dimension as well?"

Satoshi and Serena look up and sees Sora, "Great..."

"Get out of the way, Yuzu, Satoshi. Kurosaki is the prey I've hunted!"

Serena activates her duel disk, causing Sora to realize, "Huh? That Duel Disk is...Wait, you're not Yuzu but Serena?"

Serena says, "I activate Magic Card: Lunar Eclipse! The field is enveloped in darkness!"

As the three duelists are covered, Sora yells, "Satoshi! Serena!" He also charges into the cloud.

In the Volcano Area, Vivian and Ryu defeat another set of Obelisk Force, once they lost the duel, Vivian quickly cards them, Ryu says, "This is the 4th set of three we have faced together."

Vivian says, "These guys sure are like zombies... When will they ever stop?"

"Who knows? But it is a good thing that Yuni and Yuya have told us about this." Ryu says.

Just then, they see Serena, Satoshi, and Shun running toward them, Ryu sees her and he doesn't know that she isn't Yuzu, he rushes to her and says, "Yuzu! Are you okay?"

Satoshi quickly steps in front of him and he says, "Wait, she isn't Yuzu."

"Huh, then you must be Serena? Why are you wearing Yuzu's clothes?" Vivian asks.

"A long story." Serena replies, but Shun falters and he falls to his knees, clutching his injured ribs.

"Are you okay?" Vivian tries to hold him up, but then Sora appears.

"Sora..." Ryu says. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Oh, it is you guys. Can you just let me finish that guy off? You're only going to get hurt too!"

Serena scowls, but the group is saved by the appearance of Hikage and Tsukikage, who speed in between them and Sora. Sora charges forwards, and Hikage moves to meet him.

"Now's our chance." Tsukikage turns to them as they nod. Then Ryu and Vivian also help Shun and move out of the way.

"You're in my way." Sora says. "That's why I'm here." They clash Duel Disks, and then they begin a Duel.

Vivian asks, "Tsukikage, does Sister and Brother send you here?"

Tsukikage nods, and Serena asks, "Why are you guys helping me?"

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