Chapter 30 The Tested Steadfast Heart

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The next day, Yuya and his friends are at the stadium, Katrina says, "So today is Brother, Ron, Jean, Gongenzaka, and Sora's duel, right?"

Yuya says, "Yeah. With Gongenzaka being the first one to duel, his opponent is Gen Anzokuji..."

Vivian says, "That guy, huh? I just hope that Gongenzaka can beat him for insulting Dad."

Yuni says, "I know Gongenzaka can–" Just then, a bald boy crashes into her. "Ouch..."

"That's the young master's...Gongenzaka Noboru-san's sash for today's match!" The boy says as he also drops a white sash.

"Gongenzaka's sash?" Yuya says, but a pink-haired boy with a Mohawk snatches up the sash and takes off.

"Hey, give that back!" Yuya yells.

"Gongenzaka's match is going to start soon!" Shuzo says.

Yuni says, "Brother, leave everything to me, I'll get Gongenzaka's sash back." Then she rushes off with the bald boy.

"I guess we should trust Yuni..." Yuya sighs as they all get inside.

While Yuni is chasing after the guy, she asks the bald boy, "Why is he taking Gongenzaka's sash?"

"He's probably one of Ankokuji's friends!" The bald boy says. "They'll use any cowardly methods to win!"

"Ankokuji..." Yuni grits her teeth.

"You're young master Noboru's friend, Sakaki-kun, right?" The bald boy asks. "Shouldn't you be at the stadium since you're the Vice President?"

"I can't let that stop me. Gongenzaka comes first. Besides, I trust my brother and the others to win without my help. I'll get back his sash!" Yuni says as the bald boy smiles upon hearing that.

"My dear audience! Thank you for coming to see the even more exciting second day of the tournament! Now let's introduce our Duelists for our first match of the day! While he doesn't belong to any school, this Duelist qualified for the Junior Youth Championship with a six-game win streak! Ankokuji Gen! His opponent is the successor of the Steadfast Dueling style of the Gongenzaka Dojo, Gongenzaka Noboru!" Nico announces.

"That's a nice sash you have there!" Gen says. "Did you get that from your father?"

"The master of our dojo gives us a new sash before a pivotal match!" Gongenzaka replies. "This is the tradition of the Gongenzaka Dojo!"

"Well, I've taken a little advantage of that so-called tradition." Gen replies.

"What?" Gongenzaka demands.

The Action Field for this duel is the Solitary Island in a Faraway Sea. Gen says, "A dense forest, huh? What a coincidence. I'm sure your dear friend is inside of a forest right now, too..."

"What was that?" Gongenzaka asks.

At the same time, Yuni reaches a clearing, and the thief and two other boys step out of the trees.

"An ambush?" Yuni gasps as she notices the bald boy walking toward them. "What's wrong?"

"Idiot! You fell for it!" The bald boy mocks.

"You're going to be keeping us company for a while." The thief says.

"You bastard!" Gongenzaka yells furiously. "How could you do something so underhanded?!"

"What's this? What happened to your unshakable spirit?" Gen mocks. "You're already shaking with rage! That's all your so-called Steadfast spirit is worth. Using any methods to win, that's what the truly strong do! That's why I cut my ties with the Gongenzaka Dojo!"

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