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Here i am,almost in tears,seated in a black exquisite limo,about to start a life,new life actually. Well by now you might be wondering why i want to cry whereas i am seated in richness,but its sometimes not easy if you are a low life Omega who has been rejected by their family and has been sold for marriage without a second thought. Pathetic right!

Much worse is that i replaced someone who ran away from their marriage. And without second thought i was given for marriage. And since the family did not want to ruin their reputation ,they went along with it. And so i was given within five hours of decision making. Apparently they had connections with my family ,so i was sold ,more like sacrificed for the sake of a reputation.

That ain't all,my so called Alpha husband,who is seated opposite to me is not even interested in me. He just bought me to replace the other Omega who left him. Apparently, as i have heard ,he is no more less than a fuckboy. So he was forced by his father to look for a husband or wife in order to punish him for whoring around.

Other than that,he needs to succeed his father ,and his only key is an Omega ,precisely marriage to an omega. Basically that's where i or the other Omega come in, and since i am the only Omega in my family,i was sold. In five hours,i was sold,without being asked for an opinion. And sold for a very low price since my father said" You are a worthless pathetic shit to our family,look at all your siblings!all alphas but you ,you ,you belong to the streets"

Mmh that's not all,its like they were waiting for whoever who will claim me, and then forget completely about me .My only source of refuge,mom, would have helped me but she died,so i am all alone. No friends,no family,no love ,no care,nothing,nada. But sometimes you gotta accept things the way they are. Right?

After five hours of arrangements and adjustments ,a marriage was done,i had no say in it,i was only handed like an object. And so today was the day,many would have gushed,celebrated,drank with friends and became happy but mine is the opposite. Opposite where i was drawing as usual in my room, a suit was brought to me,told there was a marriage for me,was forcefully prepared by maids,walked out with no goodbye from family, went to the Attorneys where i met the man that was about to marry me,signed the marriage papers,under a witness and now here i am.

Going to my "husbands" house. Life is funny; one day i am dreaming of becoming a photographer and the next am married,at the age of 19,just because i am an omega,male or female,the husband next to me is unbothered. I feel as if this life has decided to hit me to the core and break me to pieces.

My painful thoughts are interrupted when the limousine comes to a stop at the front of a huge mansion. I am amazed by its beauty,it has delicate features yet expensive. My "husband" gets out without sparing a glance or a word and gets inside the house...while am left wondering what to do.

"Mr.Jeon, this way please" a bodyguard,dressed in black motions me to come out and leads me to the huge glass like door and opens it for me. I gasp,because i don't know how to describe the magnificent place .

A ridiculously big house with a large corridor leading to what looks like a living room? . A long staircase i presume that leads to bedrooms which i am being led to. I watch as my husband goes to the right side where i follow as per the maids footsteps, and leads me to a door opposite my husbands. He stands by the door waiting for me i think.

"This will be your room,your things have already been arranged for you,tomorrow we have guests ,make sure you look presentable ,goodnight"he says gesturing to the door opposite his ,and turns opening his door ,and gets inside. Wow ,just wow. So we are going to sleep on the opposite rooms alone. Aah but who am i to question?a nobody. Its not like i care about him or the marriage anyway.

I open my room,and gasp as i take in the view. A huge king sized bed draped in a dark maroon color,two cream colored lamp stands on each sides of the bed,a bedside table,a huge chandelier at the centre,on the opposite side looks like a door,a door that is opened due to my curiosity only to find a walk in closet full of my clothes and a huge mirror on both sides.

There is also a huge balcony with a cream loveseat and expensive curtains draping the windows. On seeing another door ,i walk into it and there is a huge bathroom, a shower and a gold huge bathtub. I am flaggerbastered.

Just how much money does this man have!Realising i wont get any answer,i take my towel and decide to have a long warm and relaxing shower since it is also noon and from the turn of events ,i see that no honeymoon will be there for us. I sigh as i relax my mind taking a shower. Having done,i take just a simple huge T-shirt and some sweats and decide to check on any notifications on my phone.

I am interrupted by a knock on the door which is opened after a small"come in" from me. A maid comes in and says"Sir,Mr.Park has ordered me to get you so that you can have dinner with him".
Oh!So its an order,not a request. I roll my eyes but nod anyway and walk down with the maid to where i presume is the dining room.

I am gestured to a seat ,at the right hand of the man who says nothing and continues eating. As if i am not here. It hurts a lot, as much as i don't want to admit .I would love his attention even though i was not supposed to marry him. Just a little,just a little attention is all i need but the cold man seated here cannot seem understand me .

He looks up from his plate,and for the first time we make eye contact,my breath hitches and i almost gasp loudly because this man is the epitome of beauty. Dark brown hair,now tied in a manbun ,beautiful sculpted brows,a cute button nose and thick pink plump li-

"Take a picture,it'll last longer"he says smirking and i can feel the rise of hotness on my face and ears,"and eat i don't like wastage of food"he says now coldly as he resumes eating leaving me astounded .How can he change from a little playful to cold.
"O-ok"i say timidly,already intimidated by his aura as i start eating . Guess i gotta have to live with what i have mmh!?

Aah this was a little bit tiring but its worth it .
Luv ,,,,

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