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I come out of the bathroom,fresh and a little bit alive. It feels so good after taking a long bath. I drop my towel from my body lazily and place it on the chair beside the bed. I stand in front of the mirror and stare at my own reflection. What i see is dark circles and puffy red eyes,but also scars all over my body. No wonder Jimin never touched me or desired me. I look skinny and out of shape since i barely eat. I cry more instead of eating thanks to that monster always invading my mind. I sigh as i change into a pair of sweats and a T-shirt,thinking of how i might die due to starvation.

Just when i am about to retire to bed,a loud knock at the door startles me. Who could be visiting now when its raining? Plus no friends except the waiter who had helped me the day i had collapsed in the hotel due to pain. Ignoring my thoughts,i slowly move to the door,opening it slightly only to meet with the eyes of the man that has been helping me for the last one week.( hehe no Jimin huh)
He grins at me widely and gets inside sassily as if he owns the place .smh
"Hello jungkookiee", he says sending me a flying kiss. Typical of him
"Hello Hyung,how are you?",i ask rolling my eyes because of the name he has called me.( he knows about Jimin anyway)
"I should be asking you that ,so how are you ?," He says walking to one of the chairs in the small hotel room.
"Just living",He seems to catch on the sudden change of mood and says...
"Forget about it and sit your ass over here .I cooked some food for you",I am not so delighted about food but i walk up to him as he places the food on a small table and looks up to me ,waiting for me to eat. Who would have thought that someone would me willing to help me after that day........

I rose up from where i was sitting ,shakingly and walk out of the Hotel. I felt numb,i felt so numb that i didn't realize that it was raining. I didn't know where i was going,i was just walking in the rain for hours and hours until i saw a small bench and sat there. I don't know how i curled myself to sleep in the rain but when i woke up ,an umbrella was hovering on me, a tall handsome man looking down at me worriedly.
He had managed to help me,through the small conversations we had made .....where i painfully blurted everything to him and he offered to help me. The events were still vivid in my mind and i was awfully vulnerable at that time. But even with him being a stranger he had helped me.
And so here we are .
"Thank you for everything Jin-Hyung"I mumbled to him quietly and he gave me a small smile.
I felt myself almost tearing again from everything that man had made me go through. It was so much torture ,especially when i knew i loved him. The wound was still open anyway.

"Okay you know what ? I don't want to see you crying again for that assho-",He glares at me disapprovingly.... since i dont let him finish the sentence
"But Hyung he isn't an asshole",i huff madly ,but somehow giggle at myself for my madness. Defending a man that made your life miserable ,soo youu kookie.
"Whatever cookie,we are going clubbing. I don't care",he says rolling his eyes.
"But Hy-", I pout ,not liking the idea of partying .But who can ever say no to Jin .....( not even Namjoon*introduced later )
"No buts ,change into something sexy ,we gotta party Wohoo!!"He says loudly as he goes to my small bag of clothes and looks for an attire which am sure i wont like. I sigh tiredly since i have never gone to a club and mostly because i want to lie on bed eating ice cream and cry myself to sleep.

"What do you think about these? Hyung says ,gesturing to very tight pants and a see through midnight blue shirt. I scowl at him about to say no but he doesn't given me a second thought.
"Never mind ,you are gonna wear them for me ,bet everybody gonna drool for that ass ,come one kook,wear this hmm??"He says pleadingly but i don't budge. Never gonna fall for his friendly charms .

"No Hyung this is too much",he sighs then smirks but i wond-
"Okay wear for Jimin then",He says casually ,as if am gonna wear for him. You wish.

Minutes later ,i am being dragged by a very giddy Hyung. I mean come on, he just said his name and here i am dressed like this,with make up on. He had also dressed up ,but much more sexier. He had carried a bag full of make up and his attire as if he knew i would say yes .Sly man.....smh. The club is a little bit crowded ,and i am hit with many scents making me shudder in disgust i mean i have never been to a club before!!.Jin leads me to another part of the club which is not that much crowded as he makes me seat in one of the table and goes to order for us .

I being a first in drinking ,i take small sips of the martini ordered by Jin as he drinks a full soju bottle. He eyes me for a while and gives me one of the Soju bottle ,as i hear him saying"Loosen up kook,just enjoy the night! "

I nod and four bottles later.......
I am dancing wildly ,letting go of everything and for once i feel happy. I feel a wave of euphoria as i dance wildly with Jin next to a pretty dimpled man .I get a lot of stares but i feel really good from the attention the one Jimin denied me of.

I chuckle happily as i swing my hips from left to right. A man,almost taller that me ,comes up to me,smiling kindly and i smile back ,enjoying the attention. He looks like a fellow omega from the little faint sweet smell that invade my nostrils .We dance around about an hour as i watch Jin sensually dancing with the man. Both in their own world ,we will discuss this Jin . I sigh as i feel my spirits drowning down ,feeling pain seeping through my fake cracks. Just as i am about to walk back to get my things ,i see the man ........

In all his ethereal beauty ,seated with a few people drinking ,my breath hitches as my eyes well with tears . I cannot stop staring,i cant think clearly at all. I stand rooted to the ground , willing myself to look away ,but then the stars seemed to have aligned themselves together again since he looks up ,and meets my gaze ,eye to eye,.........



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