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Lips against lips, pillowy lips against thin lips, touching, sucking ,licking,quenching each others thirst.

Pure ecstasy....

Breaths mingling, scents mixing so wonderfully, chest on chest,hands roaming around each other. Both trying to close the small remaining distance between them.

They both knew,that they had missed each other, craved for each other.

Jimin gripped the youngers' waist tightly, kissing him warmly. Jungkook ,being responsive to the searing kiss, pulled Jimin by the nape, one of his hands in the Alphas locks, gripping lightly.

No words were exchanged, when Jimin licked his lower lip asking for entrance . The moment the the two warm tongues touched, sparks of so much want, emotion, love, craving,it's like they were made for each other. Tongues dancing around each other,it felt like the first time they had kissed.

Teeth clashing,heavy breaths, exploring each others warm carvens,licking and sucking until they were out of breath.

"Wow", both said after parting. Foreheads touching.

A minute didn't go until their lips attached again, with more passion ,more want, more need, until they could taste their own arousals.
" If we keep on doing this i will take you here on my office and that's not what i want",Jimin breathlessly said, shortly after parting ,receiving a whine from the younger.

"So can you give me a chance? With my daughter, and you ?" The alpha asked , staring hopefully at Jungkook.
"I will , but its not going to be easy, with me", Jungkook replied.

" Okay....that's a challenge i can take,"Jimin said, wiping the thin lips of Jungkook, pressing his thumb slightly on the lower lip..."but i really missed you baby, and i am still sorry,and i still love you,its very clear from the kiss that you love me too, right? "

The omega blushed, from the words but nevertheless replied"I do still love you too Jimin. It was hard to forget you, i tried ,but eventually i let the love guide me....and here i am .....".

"Am happy to hear that baby, can we go now, before i eat you,i want to meet my other baby officially, i hope she accepts me",Jimin said, dragging Jungkook with him outside the office ,after another short kiss.

" She will Jimin,i know she will".

They arrived soon,where the children were busy playing. "Minah!, Come here baby, i want you to meet someone, again", Jungkook called, disrupting the two children playing. The said child, walked prettily, over to her appa, and looking behind to see Jimin again.

Jimin, squatted ,eye to eye with Minah... who was looking at both of them expectantly, wide eyed. " Minah, i want you to meet your father, Jimin",Jungkook announced, pushing Minah a little, towards Jimin.

The small girl frowned, looked back at Jungkook who was smiling, eyes glassy, then back at Jimin, trying to process, until she hugged him suddenly.

No words were exchanged, just warmness and love. The young girl had often wondered where her other parent was. Her appa, Jungkook always avoided her question. And she ,most of the time felt that part of her was missing. Not until she hugged the alpha, warmness and happiness flowing. She felt complete. Until she burst out in tears, clutching Jimin like her life depended on it.

Jimin was no less emotional, he cried again as the small child in his arms sobbed. He whispered sweet nothings to her, happiness flooding his heart. Jungkook also,  was happy that he was able to witness this re union.

Oh !Woonie, was happy, very happy, elated that she had a sister, that too, a younger sister who he can spoil and annoy too. But through his sharp mind, he had already seen the similarities between his father and Minah . And had put two and two together, realising that Minah was his sister.

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