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"Minah!!", the said man called a young little lady. Ah ,she was always late !
He said while packing her lunch box and her breakfast too

" Come down, breakfast is ready!", he announced, looking at the hallway to see if the said girl would come.

"Am coming appa!", the sweet sound that was melodious was heard.
And there she came, walking elegantly , long hair tied in a pony tail.

"Appa! My hair is too long and annoying , i think i need a hair cut", she grumbled while seating .

Sometimes Jungkook would look at her and wonder in amazement, at how she would talk maturely. She was five yes, but spoke like a lady in twenties. But he knew he had taught her well, all those years he had focused and taught her.

He, himself had learnt to be more mature, to drive through pain, to work hard, to stay all night planning on how to raise his child, he had gone through his heats , although painful , but all by himself, he had learnt to live with people , he had learnt to hold a baby, to change diapers, he had learnt to stay in pain and suppress it completely.

"Here, just hurry up little lady, you have school today", he said, as he looked at his daughter in amazement.
He was proud of how he'd raised her, and now his little child would be going to school for the first time.

It was her first day at school and Jungkook was thrilled, he had managed to pay for her school fees in a very prestige school. He had always wanted the best for her. And since he had not gotten the best from his parents , he wanted the best for his child. Hence the prestigious Seoul Kindergarten school.

Its not like he earned that much but he had become strategic, his two jobs ; a waiter in the morning and a bar attendant in the evening were a bit helpful. He had saved ever since he knew he was pregnant.

His friend Taehyung ( funny but they'd become awfully close, he realised that Tae was a bit sick , but he had helped nonetheless and had secured for him a job at a very high paying cafe) .

Taehyung was his friend now , always helpful but Jungkook being stubborn and ever the high achiever, worked hard and moved out of his house and went to live in the outskirts of Seoul, where luckily he had gotten a good apartment , with an old grandmother , Mrs.Chan , who had helped in raising her child whenever he was always late from work. He was always thankful to her ,nevertheless , because she was always there for him and his child.

They were already done with breakfast later, and boarded a bus that took them just thirty minutes to reach the school.

It was a busy day at the School, since there were many children being admitted . He was proud of himself still, being able to pay in one of the best schools in Seoul. Though he felt out of place , with his clothes, his child always gave him strength.

"We're here Minah ", Jungkook murmured as they entered the school and went straight to the principle's office, as directed by the school secretary. He was happy they had arrived earlier, considering they lived a little bit far away and his work demanded him to be early by 8:oo am.

Administration to school was not hard at all, it was just signing of school papers, paying of school fees and admission if his daughter to a class.

Now the hard part was that he was bidding the excited little kid goodbyes. This was the first time he had left her alone and unsupervised , and it was very hard.

" Minah,.....remember what we talked about alright ?You should be really careful okay ?!Don't........ ", he hugged her, unable to finish the sentence, whenever he looked at his little child he would always see him. She had almost all the alpha's features : plump lips, cute button nose , his eye smile , everything about Minah reminded him about him.

Sometimes it wasn't easy , to stare into those curious huge orbs , but he loved her so much. ........don't get into trouble okay ?You know appa loves so much okay....and and. ..",

" Its okay appa ,i love you too, i will be good, i pinky promise, now go so that i can meet my new classmates ",She said , kissing his forehead and shooing her daddy away . " Okaay! Fine , i love you  big baby ", He giggled through his emotions, as he kissed her forehead and waved at her as she walked in the class happily.

It is gonna be one long day for me today .....he mumbled as he walked to the bus station up to work , not knowing they had crossed paths with the father of his child.



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