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"Just take it all,
Am nothing without your love,
I promise i never leave you alone,
My heart is beating cause' of you,........."

A voice is calling unto me ,i want to reach out to that voice but i can't seem to. There is something holding me back ........There is light that i see......but i am unable to reach it because i am surrounded by darkness ..... i feel numb ........

Numbness is what i feel......i try to reach out for something to hold on to but i can't ......it feels like am swimming in the hollows of darkness.......is this a dream?.....i see someone being chained on a chair being beaten up........a blurry version that almost looks like me........i see someone kissing me ....i smile at the vision....i want to reach out and feel the happiness but i can't.......i frown.....

The blurred images become too much to handle...they seem like recollections of things in my mind ....where am.i? I feel someone holding my hand ,someone next to me.....but i can't seem to wake up from where i am. I see a man....a man from earlier still carrying the light. Did i already die?Am i already in heaven?My mother once told me that in heaven you find peace .Then why is my heart restless and heavy. Have i left something on earth ?Something worthwhile? Have i left someone who...who ...who loves me? Who i love? ...someone like........

"JIMINNNN!!!",I wake up with a start, breathing heavily ....in shock and pain that is shooting through me ......Where am in the first place? Why are my hands connected to syringes?Why is my head bandaged? Why am i wearing white clothes? Where is my Jimin first?.I feel like something is wrong but what? I look around and Oh No !

Am i in an HOSPITAL!! ? Why cant i seem to remember anything ? Huh? Where is my Jimin?.
The door opens and a man comes in.....is it Jimin ? He was... was my husband i think.
"KOOKIIE!!!OH GOD YOU ARE AWAKE", He says eyes wide with tears and hugs me. His scent invades my nostrils and my wolf wakes up suddenly due to his Alpha ....But i groan a little due to the pain shooting through my body and He seems to understand that i am in pain because he moves back muttering a small sorry .Huh!How long have i been asleep?

I try to voice out but my voice comes out with a croak. Oh ,i sound like a frog dang!. As if he reads my mind,he walks to the dispenser nearby and pours water on a glass and gives it to me. I smile as a thank you as he wipes away the water almost dropping on my lips. I blush profusely and look away. He cups my cheeks and makes me look at him.
"Do ....do you remember me? ",he asks looking at me almost in tears. Yes i do remember him .What kind of question is this ? He is my husband isn't he ? (If only you knew).
I clear my sore throat a little and look up at him confusingly " Y-yes of course h-hyungie i do remember you...you are my husband .....i think i remember us getting married...W-why do you ask such simple questions?"

"Oh!" He looks surprised first but then asks again "Don't you remember anything apart from me being your husband?"......I look at his eyes and i can see something is wrong but what ?
"N-no ...what else is there to remember .....or a-am i forgetting something?"he freezes a little and am left wondering what he is hiding but suddenly the door opens and a tall man comes in .Who is he ?

He looks at me , walking towards me and starts crying .I feel uncomfortable under his gaze so i hold Jimin's hand for comfort.
He throws himself at me and says sobbing "Oh Jungkookie! You had me all worried for two weeks .How are you my little child? " .
Huh ? Confused is an understatement right now. Just what the heck is wrong ?

Jungkookie ? But only Jimin calls me that .Who is this man?. He lets go of me and i frown a little looking at my husband to help me out .
"He is one of your friends Kook....He is Jin Hyung ...don't you remember?", I dont remember a Jin Hyung ,why is my head almost blank?.Why cant i remember some things ?
Ignoring the question i ask him what hads been botheringme since i woke up ....."Jiminie ,what happened to me ?"

"Umm....you had an accident.."He says nervously ,making Jin Hyung to glare at him questioningly .Seems like there is tension in the air.
"And umm due to too much blood loss ,you....you have partial amnesia baby",he says releasing his calming pheromones .
Where have i had that name ? Baby ? .I look up at him in shock first ,trying to process everything but its too much ....so i start panicking and the next thing i see are doctors ,a Jimin telling me to breath in and out, a small prickle on my wrist and finally sleep overtakes me ...to the world of oblivion......


Continued from last chapter......
" I am sorry Sir Jimin but......... Jungkook lost a lot of blood and from the lab test results and the operation done on him, he has been diagnosed with partial amnesia. He will be okay ,but there are things he won't remember from now on",that day i had looked at the doctor as if he had grown two heads . I had a feeling if i would have stayed face to face with the doctor i would have hit him. Fucker. Hence i had walked way from him and went to ask that My Jungkook should be taken to one of the biggest and most expensive hospital rooms .....

When i had walked in on him ,i was broken beyond words ....he had bandages everywhere but looked peaceful sleeping like an angel. As much as i hate saying this ,i had cried myself to sleep that night....singing a song that i had written for him.He had woken up five days later ,and i was thankful that my hyung ,Namjoon Hyung convinced me to go and freshen up. Well more like forced since i hated leaving Jungkook with anyone. I knew i looked like shit ...but it was nothing compared to what i had made Jungkook go through.

And when i had seen his innocent , beautiful,big ,doe eyes looking at me ,life came back to me .But i was afraid .Afraid that he will reject me ....unfortunately he did not remember much about us. And i was bound to make new memories with him. The doctor had recommended that he should stay for a few more days ......and that i should not take him to places that will trigger bad memories for him. So i had decided that I'll take him on a trip for relaxation at one of my islands .I was willing to tell him the truth but not yet .

We had talked with his Hyung ,Jin Hyung and he had seemed to forgive me ...after seeing that i meant no more harm .He had gone back to the states for work .......but he left me with a warning one more chance Mr. Park! I wont think twice .

So here is my baby,he is pouting because i have refused to carry him to the bathroom . He is becoming a brat.....but i cannot do anything right now ....as much as i want to punish him badly. "Baby the flight is in an hour you need to go and freshen up",

"N-no! c-carry me!",he shouts at me pouting slightly .As much as he is shy ......he has become a little more bolder . I think he will go after i voice out my dirty thoughts
I smirk and wiggle my eyebrows at him"If you don't I'll never jerk you off", i say ,mentally patting myself and waiting for his reaction .....5..4..3..2....

" W-what is that?",he looks up at me innocently still pouting and making grabby hands .Is he playing games with me ? I mean has he never?.Noo he must be making jokes .
"Stop Joking with me baby,how don't you know that?",i ask amusedly still in shock .
But he only shakes his head ........ damn the thought of him being this hot and sexy but doesn't know almost makes me hard. But i control.
"Well I'll tell you first ,but you gotta take a shower first." i tell him ,and he cutely stands up and walks to the bathroom ,unknowingly swaying his hips.
IS he doing this on purpose or doesn't he know......
if he doesn't know then how am i going to stay with him for almost a month without touching him.......
He is like a little seductreess .........well we gotta find out !

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